Saturday, December 31, 2005

Hide and Seek. Oh, you won't catch me around here...

It's hilarious because all semester I kept saying I was going to update this thing, and never did. I was either a)too busy, b) realizing that if i updated at ther time, i would be procrastinating doing something else, c) i don't know, you guess. People have been realizing that I've been neglecting this blog which is touching, you crazy stalkers. Yeah, i said it. Anyway, I figured since it's the last night of 2005, I should write some sort of wrap up. That and since I have no plans for tonite, I might as well do something. I'd say I was a loser, but I thought I was going to have something to do, until the party I was going to was cancelled. Out of my hands.
Home has been fine, mostly chilling with friends and working. Lots of working. Sucks only because I don't feel like I'm having any real sort of break, for example, I'm working tomorrow at 8AM. fan-tas-tic. Christmas was a big let down, we can't get through any major holidays without fighting, and that's just the way it is. I'm looking forward to being back at school after this trip, I miss my buds, even as scary as it is my last semester at Rutgers.

Well lets forget about the future and think about the past. Here's my recap of the last undocumented months:
-sang by myself in public, won second place in RCGA Idol-Dave Cole robbed me
-became Treaurer of RCGA and discovered I'm a geek who loves budgeting
-learned I will give up sleep in order to bar crawl, with either RCGA or Eagleton Crew
-was part of a losing mayoral campaign
-crashed a political victory party with aforementioned crews, thanks for the wine Corzine
-fell chronically behind on all school work because of the stupid campaign
-decided i wanted to try for law school
-chickened out on december lsat
-went to a midnight show of harry potter: we're losers and damn proud
-made some great new friends and became closer with older ones
-many miscellaneous things i don't recall

and finally, decided to go to Israel, which is happening in lest than 4 days. I wish i could be more excited about going, but I've been so tired lately, i can't even think about this as a vacation. It's just another thing to do, but I'm sure once I'm there, I'll be fine. I'll be taking plenty of pictures on my hot disposable cameras. Oh, you're jealous.

I'm leaving on wednesday, be back Sunday the 15th. Probably back at school that monday if I can awaken from the jet lag. Can't wait to see you kids. leave nice messages on my cell for when i get back.

Later 2005, ready for my close-up, 06


Friday, October 21, 2005

Children will listen....

this fall season, do your civic duty and keep Halloween away from me and steinhart:

whoistyler: i wanna be a jedi!
RainbowR21: all the kids want to be a jedi
whoistyler: nuh uh!
RainbowR21: you're gonna be an M&M this year
whoistyler: nooooo
RainbowR21: do you want to stay home on halloween young man?
whoistyler: maybe!
RainbowR21: don't back talk me! I'll throw my glass of gin in your face
whoistyler: ill call the fuzz!
RainbowR21: i'm sending you to live with your father! you were a mistake!
whoistyler: whatever! he's got a bigger TV anyway!
RainbowR21: Fine! go upstairs and pack your stuff!
whoistyler: fine i'm gone!
RainbowR21: im sure him and his little slut girlfriend kimberly will let u be a Jedi, that is if they aren't too high to notice you're even there!
whoistyler: yeah, well at least he lets me smoke it with him!
RainbowR21: great, get high and then you can be unemployed in a trailer park someday, JUST LIKE YOUR DEADBEAT FATHER!
whoistyler: MAYBE I WILL
RainbowR21: Im going to start the car, you better be down here in five minutes, or im going to give the rest of your stuff away to kids who really deserve it
whoistyler: whatever...kimberly is are a whore!
RainbowR21: that little slut talked shit about me? Well, you are not living over there. I don't want that bich talking about me to my kid.
whoistyler: you're so drunk you can't even say bitch right!
RainbowR21: I'm not drunk, u little shit. This is only my third glass!
whoistyler: the past 20 minutes!
RainbowR21: thaaaaths not a lot
RainbowR21: now come hold mommy's hair back, i have to throw up
whoistyler: and scene
whoistyler: it should be a show
RainbowR21: it probably suburban household living rooms all over the nation

Monday, October 03, 2005

Can't believe how strange it is to be anything at all...

Hello October,
and hello unloved blog. I've been so busy lately that I didnt even think to write in this thing. The eternal struggle between living life and writing about it. The former always wins. I've been working a lot on the campaign, and with a month to go I can't wait to see it end. I'm totally exhausted, but my bosses really don't get that Im a student as well as their bitch. 24 hours a week is really unmanageable. I'm getting to be really pathetic when the highlight of my week is getting to sleep til 9 on thursdays. Woot. Come on November 8th, dont keep me waiting.
Classes are ok, to be honest I hardly know whats happening in them. I'm keeping up, i think, i feel a little overwhelmed in my graduate course, just because I don't feel as smart as the rest of the people in it, and I'm not. They are pretty much all going for their 2nd or 3rd masters degrees, and im still undergrad. I need to read more closely I think...ive never thought so critically before and Im just not used to it.
Showgirls Movie Night was yesterday. It once again proves itself as being awesomely bad, as it was a big hit. You really just can't beat it.
The only think that has bothered me lately is my overwhelming feeling of nothing. Im not amazingly happy or terribly sad. I just am. And i don't much care for it. I have no one to crush on, which shouldnt seem like a big deal, but to have the thought of a person, even if its only a thought, makes me cheerful. To see them or think about seeing them or talk to them usually makes my day. And I don't have that at all right now. I should really be used to this by now. Not that I should be complaining at all. I have so many things that others don't have, but id really like to feel some sort of anything. Blah to me and my whining. Moving on..
Besides being so busy I can't breathe, I love being at school. I push all thoughts of leaving to the back of my mind. I don't know where I'm going after this, but I'm sure it's gonna be ok no matter what. I have faith in something, though its definition is not clear.

Keep it real, yo

btw- my counter got cleared..that sucks

Saturday, August 27, 2005

I'm Leaving Las Vegas. And I won't be back...

Hot damn. I just moved in yesterday and the past two days have been such a blur. Yesterday I got up early and moved back with help of the lovely Jillian, Ben and Viki. Then ran around for the rest of the the day: getting parking permit (I have a car. Egads!), lunch w/ Viki, then meet up with the guy I'm interning for. (check him out at ) I'm getting paid, which is awesome, and I have a big making coffee. Im the Office Manager of the campaign, so lots of responsibility. And lots of hours, but luckily my schedule allows for it. Sadly, you RU people may never see me again.

Leaving home was bittersweet, i loved my job and realizing that I may never go back to work there again was tough. I'll probably search all my life for such a fun work environment and never find it. It's so nice when work doesn't feel like work.

Anyway back to move in.. The room is huge! We have two walk in closets which is good coz mine is just filled with clothes. I have to go get a carpet for our little living area space and then we can bring my couch back fro Cabaret theatre. I unpacked most of my stuff yesterday and then Jill and I visited Rockoff to see Elyse and Steinhart. Its a nice dorm but way too in the middle of nowhere.

Today was leadership crap training. It was so boring, atleast brian simons was there so we could make snide and rude comments. Then there was dinner at Rafferty's w/ Nick, Dave and Jill, and now I'm at Helpdesk working until 10. I can't believe I signed up to work today...its slow though, so its not so bad to get paid to sit around and update my blog. When I work tomorrow, it'll be entirely different. Froshies are coming, and their moms will be calling to help set up their internet.

K, its a half hour to go bwfore work is over. Don't know what I'm doing after this, but I hope I won't be sleeping for awhile. I love being back.
leave one


Monday, August 08, 2005

You got a fast car. I won a ticket to anywhere. Maybe we can make a deal. Maybe together we can get somewhere. Anyplace is better...

Hey kids,
My reason for no posting is that I returned the laptop I previously spoke of and got a newer one that's battery actually has a decent lasting time. This one is much better. I'm still staying at my friend's house and its been great. No fighting, no worrying about fighting and I'm able to get to work on time. Yay me.

I heard from Viki today. The future roomie returns! Housing tried to pull some crap on us by giving us a third roomie, but I straightened it out last week. We're seniors, they can't triple us, and they fixed it luckily. Now I'm just looking forward to the big room with just strangers. I'm so excited about this upcoming year, I can hardly stand it. We definitely need to have some sort of party, or go out to dinner when we all get back.

In ther news, went to the city on Saturday to visit my little nephews and to celebrate Mike's 21st b-day at Keats. I got to see my cousin and my uncle, and we sang Lady Marmalade again to rave reviews. The boys are adorable, I hope I can visit them more often when I'm back at school.

I've been working non-stop lately, but atleast I really enjoy it. Still need a car, that problem hasn't come close to getting solved. Still hopeful though.

Back to work for me. And I'm realizing that I should take the Rutgers Crew to Keats sometime in the near future. Watching you fools sing drunk Kareoke would be amazing.%

Friday, July 15, 2005

always chasing rainbows...

Gosh..its been over a month since my last post. So much for being a good updater. So much has happened...lets starts off with the good:

I am officially an Aunt as of July 7th. My sister had her twins; two boys Zachary Owen and David Marcus Overholser. They are both stunning and really little. It was weird to hold them coz i kept feeling like i was going to break them, but apparently its really difficult to break a baby. I was cautious nonetheless. My sister is doing well...she had to stay in the hospital for a little while after, but now they're all home and pictures are forthcoming as soon as:

i get my new laptop, which is more news. I finally broke down and bought myself a laptop from HP. It's nice and small and has a lot of memory, and a free wireless printer. Its still being shipped to me as of yet, but its on its way.

Ann Marie's wedding was on Friday the 6th, it went by so quickly i almost forgot about it. It was great, except for the rain, but that didnt get us down any. It was a very nice short ceremony followed by lots of dinner, drinks and dancing. Megs made an awesome date, we were hardly off the dance floor, so it was kinda like prom. Cat did the Mashed Potato, so it was all worth it.

Summer insomnia is back in full force..and occurring as I write this right now. I think there are extenuating circumstances in todays case. My mother has decided to pick fights with my sister and I whenever she's around, and tried to kick Sarah out of the house. So instead, I left and am now living with my good friend Missy. It is really fucking weird not to be living in my house anymore, but I just can't take the stress of living with a complete psycho. It's really shitty to have to bring it up when all this good stuff has been happening, but I kinda need to vent a little bit. On top of this I still have no car, but atleast I'm at walking distance to work now. Tomorrow (which is really today) I'm renting a car and going into NB to hang out with my buds for a little vacation. Its the only one I get so I might as well enjoy it. Dana's coming home tomorrow and will be around all week. Stuff is looking up..its only a month and 10 days til I get to go back to school for good. I'm a little down at the moment, but i shouldn't be. Afterall, I'm still the luckiest person I know.

drop me a line,
Love Rach

Saturday, June 11, 2005

Where is my mind?

‘Sup kids
I haven’t been that keen on updating lately, not coz nothing has been happening, but mostly because I don’t like dealing with the dial-up. The last month has been a bit disappointing; no car, no new job, and didnt get the thing for Teach for America after working my butt off for it, which really kinda brought me down, but c’est la vie. Work at the deli has been fantastic, except that getting to work has become absolute hell since my sister moved to her different office. It’s been a bitch.
On the bright side, I’ve gotten over that stuff for the most part, and have been able to spend lots of time with my girls. I went to Great Adventure w/ Meg and Cat yesterday, where I nearly died riding Nitro, and where most the time was spent waiting on lines, but it was fun nonetheless, especially the car ride. Nothing beats singing 90s pop at the top of your lungs. The cars that passed us on the parkway totally laughed at us, but it was worth it.
I got Coldplays new album this week, but no tickets :( It’s like a vast conspiracy that I cant get tix to any shows in the tri-state area without selling my kidney. Not cool. The album is pretty good though, not as good at Rush of Blood, but buy it anyway. Also, I figured out how to get my songs from my iPod onto my home computer w/out losing them, so I guess I get the geek of the week award or something.
News for the near future...Going to Annie Mae’s wedding w/ Megs as my date, and Sassy is going w/ Cat so the four of us + open bar * dancing = mightily fun. I’m really looking forward to the whole sha-bang
News for the not-so-near future, I’ll probably be moving into school around the 25th of August, a whole week before classes start, and I’ll get to beat the crowds, which will be excellent.

I don't exactly miss school, and I get nervous when i think of going back, coz i have no idea what i want to do after next year, and again, all these family and friends think they know, but i should just stick with myself, and i what i feel..its never really led me wrong before. and hey, its my life, and i have to live it all by myself.

Anyway, work tomorrow. Whomever is reading this, you should comment. Odds are that I miss you.


Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Solid Stone is just Sand and Water, baby...

Heya People,
This will promise to be a long ass post, so I’d get some popcorn if I were you. Or just stop now, coz its gonna be damn long and complicated. Last Monday, the 16th, less than a week after leaving, I returned to the beloved NB to celebrate Em’s 21st b-day. She didn’t get drunk, which was disappointing, but I got to see some pals that I didn’t get to say goodbye to, so I was happy about that. I’ll probably be down in NB a lot this summer.

I got to have breakfast w/ Cat on Thursday, who suggested we go visit the high school. For the last two summers, I somehow have made my way back to the school to visit, and had pretty much decided not to go back again, but Cat has so much to be proud of now, and I know she wanted to share it with some of our closest mentors. It’s always a weird experience to see these people 3 years after the fact, but it was great overall. I loved high school, and I try to keep in touch w/ the teachers still there, but I pull away at the same time. We can’t live in the past forever.

This weekend was hot, because I got to house sit in NYC for the last time for probably a long time. The girls couldn’t come, sadly, so it was just me and the boys, Matt and Rob. We got some great Chinese food, and then saw the movie "Crash" which was really good, although a bit long at parts. After that we went drinking at Keats, which we had promised to do all semester and finally came through. We watched my cousin play beer pong and drunk people sing kareoke, making it a fun-filled time for all. Saturday I went to The Met, and got to see the Diane Arbus exhibit, plus Therese, my favorite painting. Yay, for getting full of culture. Saturday nite, Dana, Cat and Sassy came to have dinner and hang w/ me in the apartment. Sunday I hung w/ the puppy before heading home.

Today was a bit of a roller coaster. I saw my old friend Michelle, who I hadn’t seen since before she got into an accident that put her into a coma for almost a year. She’s been out of the coma for a while, but it broke my heart to see her in a wheel chair, having trouble speaking and hearing, but she totally remembered me and Sassy, and mom, even though we kinda drifted apart in high school and I hadn’t seen her since then. That she’s alive and so active is wonderful, but it just makes my entire being ache to a time when we were kids, swimming, and playing everyday during our summers, no cares or worries in the world. Stupid clocks...

My older sis had to be admitted to the hospital today because she started having contractions, which is no good since shes not due til August. Her and the babies are fine, but she’s bed ridden until the do the C-section in like 5 weeks. I keep forgetting that by the end of this summer, I’m gonna be an Aunt. It’s kinda weird to think about, but I’ve decided I’m gonna be one of those awesomely cool aunts whose going to spoil them rotten. Sounds like a plan.

All right, told you this was long. Work tomorrow, wedding on the weekend. Collapse. Oh and I’m gonna be purchasing Coldplay tix on June 4th for the Tuesday Sept 6 show at the Garden (if you’re a local, it’s the Gah-den). Hit me up if you want to go, but I’m going for the expensive, up front seats. No screwing around.

Love ya kids, keep in touch,

Sunday, May 15, 2005

In a telescope lense, and when all you want is friends...I'll see you soon.

Hola hola,
I thought I was going to write this when I left on Tuesday, but packing took much longer than I expected. Grrr infinity. However, I did get to basically see everyone in between packing, getting my rental car and getting my pack check and finally getting the heck out of NB. It struck me about a half hour into the car ride that, wow, this year is over, and I won't be back for a nice long while. I've gotten so used to two world, I can just transition from one to the other. A big step for the girl who hates change. One second I'm having lunch w/ pals, thinking of how I'll miss them, hours later, back at Wok n' Sushi w/ the girls, laughing and nothing changed. It's a nice feeling I guess, to have so many people to care about.
SO I'm back at home, back working at the deli. I had a great interview w/ a law office to start working at a paid internship there at the end of June. It seems like it'd be a great experience. I'm still looking around for an internship that will cover my Eagleton one, I'd like my fall to be as free as possible, but it's not looking very good. Hopefully it'll get all figured out. Le sigh...
Anway here's to my Junior year..a few shout outs:

Awesome Roomie- Thanks for not being a Conservative-psycho who didn't speak to me, though I shall never forgive you for not getting me a cat
Rutgers Clubbers- Only gonna get better next year, love how we've grown so much
Intermezzo-Rutgers clubbers sans rutgers club..but we seem to be able to bother them just as much
Wessels Sorority
RCGA- joining is in my Top 10 best decisions ever made
Sigma Alpha Mu Parties
Turning 21, which actually counted since I didn't drink before
Old friends
New Friends
Winning Reelection-thanks Nick
Movie Nite Kids
Winning Best Groupie at Cabaret Ball
Whatever I left out

Thanks for making this year wonderful guys, and with Vikki, Ash, Kate and Caro returning, it just promises to get better. Love ya all


Saturday, May 07, 2005

So sublime when the stars are aligned

Well kids,
Here we are coming into the home stretch of yet another fabulous year, though this one was better than most. I‘ve made so many new friends without losing the old ones, and I’ve just been having the time of my life. I’m really sad to be going home.

The last three weeks have been totally amazing. I can’t remember ever being happier. The best parts involving movie night w/ the rcga crew. I hope it’s a tradition that we will keep alive next year.

Well, I have two more finals, of course they happen to be the hardest ones and have to be at the tail end of finals, so my last days here I will be studying and not hanging with my friends which just plain sucks. Plus I need a truck in order to move my couch and I need to pack up all my shit. Man this sucks.

So, who else is amazed that I a few short weeks we’re gonna be seniors? It’s so messed up that I can’t even think about it. So let’s not. For summer it looks like last summer, working at the del, except I have a job interview at a law firm this coming Wednesday, and I’m also waiting to hear back from Corzine. I reaaaaally (can’t stress that enough) don’t want to do my Eagleton internship in the fall, because then I will just never see people, and it’s my senior year so I deserve to have fun. Crazy decisions and I don’t want to have to make any of them.

Sorry this entry is such a downer..its just because I am so amazingly happy that I don’t want it to end. To all my friends, you guys make my life incredible. Congrats to all the seniors, don't be strangers!

Farewell entry in a couple of days, so keep your eyes peeled.

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Staring at Happiness...

Why Mel and I should no longer be on RCGA

Me: I move to cancel Wednesday.
Roomie: I second the motion!
Me: All in favor?
Me and Roomie: Ay
Me: All opposed: *silence* *crickets*
Roomie: Well, that passes...

Monday, April 18, 2005

I would love for you to make me wonder...

So much wonderful stuff has been happening that I just can't wait 2 weeks to write it down ;) Thursday, where we last left off, was hot dog day. Yeah, free hot dogs, seeing about every one of my friends, and then a nice after party of sorts at the Student Center. But bigger news was that I got to go to Spamalot! My lovely neighbor Megan offered an extra ticket and I got to go. So I went of to NYC w/ Elyse and Steinhart, we got to go to Keats for a free meal then off to Spamalot, which was hilarious. Better than The Producers even. Icing on the cake was that Elyse got Tim Curry's autograph for the both of us and then I stuck around to get Hank Azaria's. I wanted to get David Hyde Pierces but t'was not meant to be, back on the bus for me, I did get to see him though. And we got to watch Batman on the Bus..hell yeah. Pretty much nothing will top that experience, I had so much fun, Elyse and I were floating on a cloud for the entire bus ride. Billy Crudup can call it priceless.

Sunday was training for RCGA which went suprisingly fast, and then dinner w/ the fellow student politicians. Always a pleasure.
I forgot to mention in my last post that I will be taking a graduate course next semester w/ Prof. Heumann. It's going to be absolutely awesome, as I don't have to do any of the graduate work, just work as a research assistant for Heumann, on a very interesting paper (that will most likely get published) Sweetness.
That's pretty much all for now, this pretty much means I won't be posting forever, classic rachel.

Random IM
(Me and Jill discussing the perennial Classic hit "Da Dip")
RainbowR21: seriously, i never listen to that
oHereinmyHeado: yeah rrrright
RainbowR21: really, the lyrics aren't that hard to remember..i can't recall, what happens after you dip?oHereinmyHeado: lol im laughing tooo hard

And you people who read but don't comment, I know you read this, I've had over 500 comment...unless you want to tease me about Da Dip, coz then u can just shove it.

Peace, Love and very small rocks

Thursday, April 14, 2005

Photographs and Still Frames in Your Mind

It seems to me that the only free time I have to write in this thing is when I'm at work. So here I am, it's way too early in the morning, I finished my Africa paper, and now I'm talking to you fine people. Howdy.
This week has been nice and crazy. I WON REELECTION! As did running mate Nick, and buds Mel and Shawn, nice job guys. Thanks to all my buds who made an effort and voted, I truly appreciate it, you have no idea.
This week has been the sad reality that all our seniors are leaving RCGA. We had our last old body meeting on Tuesday, which was long, but fun and terribly sad as we realized it would our last meeting w/ Adam and Chris, and crazy Kristen antics, not to mention all the others leaving us. Grrr, I hate this. Its such a familliar feeling, like junior year of high school when all my senior friends left and I too had to realize that it wasn't long til I was gone as well. Thats probably what I'm most sad about. Facing the fact that in less than a month, i will be a College Senior, and soon a, mate. Where'd it go?
Last nite was Passing the Gavel, the final of the 2004-2005 RCGA season, which featured kickass food at the Rutgers Club and a nice 3 hour dinner. I'm looking forward to next year on the body, we've got so much done this year, I can't wait to see what we can pull off in the future.
Better, was the following party at the Sigma Alpha Mu house, with the awesome slideshow, crappy beer, and the best part, drunk Pat O'Connell. He's even more hilarious when he's toasted. I got to chat up with a bunch of people I never really got to know, and Mel and I stayed for about 4 hours, got home just in time for me to catch like 5 hours of sleep before i had to come here *blowz raspberry* Josh Ontell was nice enough to walk us home to make sure we didn't get mugged, which was greatly appreciated, since I had no money on me.

All right, I gotta get ready to blow this popsicle stand and go to class. Just want to say to all the current and leaving members of RCGA: you guys have made my year. I've never had this much fun with an student organization before.

All the best, and stay in touch!

Love to the rest of ya as well ;)

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

So find a new lifestyle, a reason to smile...look for nirvana...

Buenos dias chicos y chicas!

It is a totally beautious day, so of course I am here working at the helpdesk..oh baby. It's slow as slow can be, probably because no one is inside looking at their magical computer box, they are out enjoying nature, becoming one with the earth and all that jazz. Today we got to have half of class outside, which was awesome..I haven't been able to do that since high school when we'd beg our teachers to let us roam. It was nice.
Spring break was 2 and a half weeks ago, now all I want is summer..gah. I have been hanging out w/ pals and Rutgers Clubbers, good times all around. Last Friday I got to go see Sin City w/ Steinhart's crew, and Elyse (yes, diet soda). It was mildly amusing, definitely a guy flick, which doesn't bother me, coz I like watching stuff blow up as much as the next person. And hookers with guns? Hell yeah...;) This week is elections for RCGA and my friends have been great, they all voted, so super shout out to you're awesome. Nick and I have been trying to chalk up the campus, but apparently the maintance people don't appreciate it..psssh..
In other news, I am totally hating academics this semester. I can't seem to do anything right...Modern Africa (the class, not the concept) can kiss my booty. I think I just need to lock myself in the library this weekend and get my shit together. It sucks that I can't make it to any of my professors office hours because I have back to back classes everyday...gulp...
I'm trying to figure out what to do this summer. My dad says he's trying to get me a car, but he makes that promise a lot. I need at least two jobs, because I need to make some money. I think I'm going to tryp and work the deli on nights and weekends, and work in a law office, or maybe the courthouse during the day. I'm trying to see if I can get one of the paid internships at the Congressmans office, coz then I'll know who I'm working for, but who knows. I miss when summer used to = nothing. Sleep in, don't work, go to the lake, go fishing, etc. Big ole Sigh! All righty, time to pretend to work...see you kids.

Monday, March 14, 2005

They will see us waving from such great heights, come down now, they'll say...

Hey there sports fans
It’s spring break, though it’s neither spring, and it doesn’t feel like a break. Talk amongst yourselves. It doesn’t take me long to remember why I hate to be at home. In the little time we have, my mom can always make it miserable; she’s got a gift. All right, done w/ the venting.
Sarah came to Rutgers Club with me and the gang on Thursday when she came to pick me up which was nice. We stayed until the people were cleaning around us and we had the entire place to ourselves. They even offered us a whole cake. They know they love us. The last week has been hectic, so I’m glad I don’t have to go to class tomorrow. But at home I have more crap to worry about, like money, bills, and moving out of my condo. Blah infinity
Well, lets see. While home I’ve gotten my hair cut (pretty short with cool layers), I got my licence (so NOW I can go on beer runs) and I got to see Missy and Cat. I must shop before I leave, and I absolutely my do all my homework, including a 15 page paper. God, I’m screwed. But if I could pull it off, I’d be relatively stress free for the next few weeks when I get back to school. That would be sweet. Ok, back to my tv watching.
Btw, I think we need a oversized group of people to go see the Ring 2. It’s bad scary movie viewing at its finest. Plus if we go in a big group then Samara can’t get up through her tv...(so I think, anyway).
Hope everyone is having a super duper break (if not, join the club, soon coming to facebook)
love ya...

Friday, March 04, 2005

We'll be singing, When we're winning...

Wow, I suck as an updater. Just not my forte i guess. And lots of stuff has been happening! Anyway, my birthday came and went and was wonderful. I started doing some stuff for Quilt, just box office and ushering and stuff so i had something to do this weekend. About two fridays ago we all piled into Matt and Leahs car and went to Applebees. let me tell you that Half-priced appetizers are the work of God. How else can you explain 10 people, and only a $58 check. (including drinks) A-Maz-ing. Also awesome: singing 90s one-hit wonders in a crowded car: thanks to Matt for the eclectic mix of 4 Non Blondes, the Cardigans, and the title of this piece, Chumbawamba. Oh yes, we get knocked down, but we get up again.

The last couple of weeks have been a little roller coaster, including two near academic related mental breakdowns, I'm getting back on track. Not sure what I want to do with my future at the moment, kinda confused about law school, but I'll figure it out. Heigh ho...

I heart my civil liberties class at the moment, crazy Jewish professor and all. Everything else is going fine aw well for the most part. Rutgers Club continues to be awesome, its just nice to have a group of people around who you can unwind with over a nice meal, and various conversation topics.

Vikki and i are officially living in Hegeman 333 next year: a room that is very large...3 people live in it at the moment, but next year it'll be just us 2. Liz and Jamie live on the floor below. Kostas and Ben are living in the house next to us, and Allison, Anju, and LeAnn are living in a neighboring house. SaWeet.

Ok, back to work with me...see you soon.

Friday, February 18, 2005

These changes, ain't changing me...

Hola mis amigos!
Yeah, wasting time at work again...thats what they pay me for. I had a wonderful birthday week (one day is for suckers), turning 21sober basically isn't bad. It's nice to actually remember your birthday, instead of spending it in a drunken stupor (for some people). On Friday I went into the cit-ay and hung out w/ Sassy, Mike and Dana (who shleped all the way to NYC for our bday!) Saturday we had our kareoke nite at Keats w/ Cat and Megs in tow, and after some really unnecessary b-day drama (you can't argue with a drunk person, just a warning) everything went back to normal and we got to sing Spice Girls Wannabe, though the crowd sucked. I got a drunk guy to buy me a drink, which i really didn't drink much of, then spent the rest of the night sucking down water coz my throat hurt..grrr. After we left the bar around 2:30 Am, we went to a 24 hours diner and some drunk guy threw toast at us..lovely. and we had cake that the lovely dana made at the apartment. All in all, it was a pretty nice b-day.

On my actual b-day I got a lot of little nice suprises, so here are my little thank you shout outs:
For the lovely b-day messages from Facebook/AOL and other places: Emma, Matt, Rob, Alli, Erin, Annie Mae, Michelle, Dana, Cat, Kala, Joey Picc, Jackie, Cherlyn, Maggie, Ronit, Alana, Jenn, Rajan, Kate and Caro

Special shout out to Kate for sending me a card OVERSEAS! too bad the post office stole my hot british guy.
Love to Mel for the Flowers :)
Maverick for the candy
Steinhart, Em, Koppelman, Kostas, Jill, Ben, and Cyriaque for making me turn red at Rutgers Club (birthday song and hentai porn, what?!?!)
Elyse for calling and singing (hearts)
and late nite b-day run to crappy jersey diner w/ matt, rob, mel, greg and sarah.
If i forgot you, tell me, coz i'm an ass.

I got a good lottery number for general housing (coz i'm a cheater) and so did Liz and Jamie, and Kostas and Ben, so hopefully we'll all be living near each other (either in Wessels or Leupp).

In other news; REEL Big Fish totally rock. If you saw the show, you know it...
tonite is Intermezzo, where I hope I'll be able to use the rest of my camera film, then going to see Quilt and maybe *cast party* say what?!?!

Oh, and everyone should come and see Quilt at the Cabaret Theatre (this Fri Sat Sun, and next Fri, Sat and Sun) because the Lovely Kala, Elyse, and Gregory are in it, and they are wonderful.

Work ends in 40 minutes...i should probably actually do work, or some shiz like that. Later!

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

While everyone's lost, the battle is won. With all these things that I've done...

Hello you wonderful people you.
I am no queen of the updaters, but update, i shall. I'm at work at the helpdesk at the moment, it is miserably slow, but it is great coz now i have time to do this thing. Other highlight of the day: I've been pretty pissed about the fact that i had to spend so much money on books and I've really hacked into my savings, but then I go to pick up my pay check, realize I forgot to pick up 3 of them, and ended up that I have almost $300 in checks. BOO freaking YEAH! Having a part time job that isn't hard = awesome. Checks = awesome as well.

So I've been a busy little bee lately. I was in NYC over the weekend dog sitting for my sis with Mel. We got to go to Keats and hang out with the puppy and see RENT (me for the 5th time) for only 20 bucks. Sitting in the second row was scary, but Colin Hanlon (playing Roger) was hot and now Mel and I are gonna stalk him. hot diggity.

What else...well I was down in the dumps for the last few days, I had an exam and a paper this week and was relatively stressed. Then I have some friend drama that I really can't figure out no matter how much I try and analyze the situation. All the while I am turning 21 on Monday. yikes, I don't have time for a birthday.

This weekend I am going into the cit-ay AGAIN to meet up w/ Cat, Dana, Megs, Sassy, Mike and Brian to party hearty at Keats (fo' free) and probably sing more Spice Girls. I'm glad I'm not sick, coz that sucked last time. I'm trying to plan a party for school, but, its going ehhh. Bowling is outta the picture since I can't reserve lanes. So, I'm trying to reserve the pool at CAC coz they can show movies like Jaws, and we can play volleyball in the pool and schtuff like that. Plus then I can invite people unlimited. Blah, I will find something to do.

My dahling friend Cat is coming to visit tomorrow to see the REEL Big Fish show at LSC, so thats hot. Next week is gonna be cake next to the week after it where it seems that i'm gonna have 1 exam and 2 papers due. Damn, I better get crackin''too bad i've been Lazy McLazyson the last two weeks. somebody slap me.

Hey this thing broke 300. i can see you. Leave comments!

Sunday, January 23, 2005

i love you when you dance...sooooo pure...

Been back at Rutgers for a week officially. Somehow it feels different. Just gotta get back into my swing of things I get. Classes are ok, my Civil Rights prof is the King of the Dicks..Eagleton is all right, a little boring. No classes on Fridays definitely rocks my socks, my weekend starts on Thursdays at 2:30 in the afternoon. Not too shabby.

Leaving home was harder than I thought. It got easier when on sunday, about 40 minutes after i got into my room, Megs calls me and says she and her sister are near Livingston campus, and her sis, who is a RU alum, wants to go to Thomas Sweets. SO they came and picked me up and I got to spend a few hours with one of my best girls, and it further helped my transition back here, i'm not sure why i'm having such a problem with it. Its my own damn fault. I gotta stop pulling away.

We had Rutgers Club on Thursday, which was nice to see everyone and laugh for an hour.
I miss Viki, and Koppleman couldn't make an appearance, but next time..or we'll kill him with sticks. Later Mel, Matt, Sara and I went to see In Good Company which was Oh-Kay, but i'd wait to rent it if i were you. I gotta go see Sideways, the Aviator, and whatever else is an Oscar contender. Gotta get ready for film season.

Also, FYI, my b-day is coming up veeeery soon, and I'm planning my Midnight bowling party in the near future. Its likely that if you can read this, and you're in the Rutgers area, you'll be invited, but I'll be sending out evites once I have a solid guest list.

Anyway, its snowing like a mofo outside and I love it. My Helpdesk training got cancelled for tomorrow, booya. Time for reading and sleep and Sunday full of studying.

Later loves..

Saturday, January 08, 2005

Zig a zig ah!

Heya kids,
Long time, no nothing! Thats what happens when I have dial up...oh well. Lets rewind it for ya.. Christmas was great, I got my mini iPod, yeah my sis rocks. I've been spending the majority of my break working at the deli (yay money) and hanging out with my bestest friends. I got invited to two New Years Eve parties but decided that spending the nite with Dana, Sassy, Cat and Megs was where I wanted to be. It was a good choice, we watched a Spice Girls tape that sassy got me for x-mas, and good times much so that we hardly noticed the year change. I don't know how all 5 of us just have so much chemistry between us. We were trying to analyze it about a week ago at the diner, but just couldn't get down to it. Its been said by others that it seems we just all speak the same language and we don't disagree. We can be entangled in 2 or 3 different conversations and be totally aware of what everyone is talking about and interject without losing any flow in the conversations. Its hard to explain, ya just kinda have to witness it.
SO needless to say, I'm not ready to go back to school yet..and its a week from this Sunday. Dana's is off to D.C. a week from today, and we're all in a mad dash to get our paperwork in order for our Passports so we can go to London in June. Travel plans = crazy. I'm just not ready for school yet. Ash and Kate and Viki will be gone, which doesn't help, coz I'm really gonna miss them. I'm just so reattached to home. It seems everytime I'm home and hang with my girls, increasingly, I just don't want to leave. Maybe I wouldn't treasure it so much if I go to see them everyday..I loved it in High school, I don't think I was ever truly bored of them, ever. And I get bored easily! Especially with people..they just aren't boring. We're going into our almost 9th year of friendship, and we can still make each other laugh hysterically. It just gets harder every time I leave them. blech, I don't wanna think about it.
When I'm at school, I'm happy, I get used to it. I hate that I do this to myself, coz I know I love school..i just forget easily.

I'm looking forward to Eagleton, to my 21st B-day (Bowling Party baby!) And not waking up til very late. Thank you late classes! See ya soon if I haven't already.

(i am a lucky person)