Saturday, December 31, 2005

Hide and Seek. Oh, you won't catch me around here...

It's hilarious because all semester I kept saying I was going to update this thing, and never did. I was either a)too busy, b) realizing that if i updated at ther time, i would be procrastinating doing something else, c) i don't know, you guess. People have been realizing that I've been neglecting this blog which is touching, you crazy stalkers. Yeah, i said it. Anyway, I figured since it's the last night of 2005, I should write some sort of wrap up. That and since I have no plans for tonite, I might as well do something. I'd say I was a loser, but I thought I was going to have something to do, until the party I was going to was cancelled. Out of my hands.
Home has been fine, mostly chilling with friends and working. Lots of working. Sucks only because I don't feel like I'm having any real sort of break, for example, I'm working tomorrow at 8AM. fan-tas-tic. Christmas was a big let down, we can't get through any major holidays without fighting, and that's just the way it is. I'm looking forward to being back at school after this trip, I miss my buds, even as scary as it is my last semester at Rutgers.

Well lets forget about the future and think about the past. Here's my recap of the last undocumented months:
-sang by myself in public, won second place in RCGA Idol-Dave Cole robbed me
-became Treaurer of RCGA and discovered I'm a geek who loves budgeting
-learned I will give up sleep in order to bar crawl, with either RCGA or Eagleton Crew
-was part of a losing mayoral campaign
-crashed a political victory party with aforementioned crews, thanks for the wine Corzine
-fell chronically behind on all school work because of the stupid campaign
-decided i wanted to try for law school
-chickened out on december lsat
-went to a midnight show of harry potter: we're losers and damn proud
-made some great new friends and became closer with older ones
-many miscellaneous things i don't recall

and finally, decided to go to Israel, which is happening in lest than 4 days. I wish i could be more excited about going, but I've been so tired lately, i can't even think about this as a vacation. It's just another thing to do, but I'm sure once I'm there, I'll be fine. I'll be taking plenty of pictures on my hot disposable cameras. Oh, you're jealous.

I'm leaving on wednesday, be back Sunday the 15th. Probably back at school that monday if I can awaken from the jet lag. Can't wait to see you kids. leave nice messages on my cell for when i get back.

Later 2005, ready for my close-up, 06


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