Thursday, April 14, 2005

Photographs and Still Frames in Your Mind

It seems to me that the only free time I have to write in this thing is when I'm at work. So here I am, it's way too early in the morning, I finished my Africa paper, and now I'm talking to you fine people. Howdy.
This week has been nice and crazy. I WON REELECTION! As did running mate Nick, and buds Mel and Shawn, nice job guys. Thanks to all my buds who made an effort and voted, I truly appreciate it, you have no idea.
This week has been the sad reality that all our seniors are leaving RCGA. We had our last old body meeting on Tuesday, which was long, but fun and terribly sad as we realized it would our last meeting w/ Adam and Chris, and crazy Kristen antics, not to mention all the others leaving us. Grrr, I hate this. Its such a familliar feeling, like junior year of high school when all my senior friends left and I too had to realize that it wasn't long til I was gone as well. Thats probably what I'm most sad about. Facing the fact that in less than a month, i will be a College Senior, and soon a, mate. Where'd it go?
Last nite was Passing the Gavel, the final of the 2004-2005 RCGA season, which featured kickass food at the Rutgers Club and a nice 3 hour dinner. I'm looking forward to next year on the body, we've got so much done this year, I can't wait to see what we can pull off in the future.
Better, was the following party at the Sigma Alpha Mu house, with the awesome slideshow, crappy beer, and the best part, drunk Pat O'Connell. He's even more hilarious when he's toasted. I got to chat up with a bunch of people I never really got to know, and Mel and I stayed for about 4 hours, got home just in time for me to catch like 5 hours of sleep before i had to come here *blowz raspberry* Josh Ontell was nice enough to walk us home to make sure we didn't get mugged, which was greatly appreciated, since I had no money on me.

All right, I gotta get ready to blow this popsicle stand and go to class. Just want to say to all the current and leaving members of RCGA: you guys have made my year. I've never had this much fun with an student organization before.

All the best, and stay in touch!

Love to the rest of ya as well ;)

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