Monday, April 18, 2005

I would love for you to make me wonder...

So much wonderful stuff has been happening that I just can't wait 2 weeks to write it down ;) Thursday, where we last left off, was hot dog day. Yeah, free hot dogs, seeing about every one of my friends, and then a nice after party of sorts at the Student Center. But bigger news was that I got to go to Spamalot! My lovely neighbor Megan offered an extra ticket and I got to go. So I went of to NYC w/ Elyse and Steinhart, we got to go to Keats for a free meal then off to Spamalot, which was hilarious. Better than The Producers even. Icing on the cake was that Elyse got Tim Curry's autograph for the both of us and then I stuck around to get Hank Azaria's. I wanted to get David Hyde Pierces but t'was not meant to be, back on the bus for me, I did get to see him though. And we got to watch Batman on the Bus..hell yeah. Pretty much nothing will top that experience, I had so much fun, Elyse and I were floating on a cloud for the entire bus ride. Billy Crudup can call it priceless.

Sunday was training for RCGA which went suprisingly fast, and then dinner w/ the fellow student politicians. Always a pleasure.
I forgot to mention in my last post that I will be taking a graduate course next semester w/ Prof. Heumann. It's going to be absolutely awesome, as I don't have to do any of the graduate work, just work as a research assistant for Heumann, on a very interesting paper (that will most likely get published) Sweetness.
That's pretty much all for now, this pretty much means I won't be posting forever, classic rachel.

Random IM
(Me and Jill discussing the perennial Classic hit "Da Dip")
RainbowR21: seriously, i never listen to that
oHereinmyHeado: yeah rrrright
RainbowR21: really, the lyrics aren't that hard to remember..i can't recall, what happens after you dip?oHereinmyHeado: lol im laughing tooo hard

And you people who read but don't comment, I know you read this, I've had over 500 comment...unless you want to tease me about Da Dip, coz then u can just shove it.

Peace, Love and very small rocks


kalor the destructor said...

tim curry!!!!!!!??? oh my GOODNESS!drooooooooooollll. my sister saw billy cruddup in pillowman, so jealous.
solid post, girl

Anonymous said...

i KNOW u've heard da dip cuz i luv that song n u lived with me!

i put my hand up on ur hip when i dip u dip we did u put ur hand up on my hip when u dip i dip we dip i put my hand up on ur hip when i dip u dip we dip u put urs i put mine we can get down low n roll n grind!

some of my friends n i even have a dance to this song
