Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Solid Stone is just Sand and Water, baby...

Heya People,
This will promise to be a long ass post, so I’d get some popcorn if I were you. Or just stop now, coz its gonna be damn long and complicated. Last Monday, the 16th, less than a week after leaving, I returned to the beloved NB to celebrate Em’s 21st b-day. She didn’t get drunk, which was disappointing, but I got to see some pals that I didn’t get to say goodbye to, so I was happy about that. I’ll probably be down in NB a lot this summer.

I got to have breakfast w/ Cat on Thursday, who suggested we go visit the high school. For the last two summers, I somehow have made my way back to the school to visit, and had pretty much decided not to go back again, but Cat has so much to be proud of now, and I know she wanted to share it with some of our closest mentors. It’s always a weird experience to see these people 3 years after the fact, but it was great overall. I loved high school, and I try to keep in touch w/ the teachers still there, but I pull away at the same time. We can’t live in the past forever.

This weekend was hot, because I got to house sit in NYC for the last time for probably a long time. The girls couldn’t come, sadly, so it was just me and the boys, Matt and Rob. We got some great Chinese food, and then saw the movie "Crash" which was really good, although a bit long at parts. After that we went drinking at Keats, which we had promised to do all semester and finally came through. We watched my cousin play beer pong and drunk people sing kareoke, making it a fun-filled time for all. Saturday I went to The Met, and got to see the Diane Arbus exhibit, plus Therese, my favorite painting. Yay, for getting full of culture. Saturday nite, Dana, Cat and Sassy came to have dinner and hang w/ me in the apartment. Sunday I hung w/ the puppy before heading home.

Today was a bit of a roller coaster. I saw my old friend Michelle, who I hadn’t seen since before she got into an accident that put her into a coma for almost a year. She’s been out of the coma for a while, but it broke my heart to see her in a wheel chair, having trouble speaking and hearing, but she totally remembered me and Sassy, and mom, even though we kinda drifted apart in high school and I hadn’t seen her since then. That she’s alive and so active is wonderful, but it just makes my entire being ache to a time when we were kids, swimming, and playing everyday during our summers, no cares or worries in the world. Stupid clocks...

My older sis had to be admitted to the hospital today because she started having contractions, which is no good since shes not due til August. Her and the babies are fine, but she’s bed ridden until the do the C-section in like 5 weeks. I keep forgetting that by the end of this summer, I’m gonna be an Aunt. It’s kinda weird to think about, but I’ve decided I’m gonna be one of those awesomely cool aunts whose going to spoil them rotten. Sounds like a plan.

All right, told you this was long. Work tomorrow, wedding on the weekend. Collapse. Oh and I’m gonna be purchasing Coldplay tix on June 4th for the Tuesday Sept 6 show at the Garden (if you’re a local, it’s the Gah-den). Hit me up if you want to go, but I’m going for the expensive, up front seats. No screwing around.

Love ya kids, keep in touch,

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