Saturday, May 07, 2005

So sublime when the stars are aligned

Well kids,
Here we are coming into the home stretch of yet another fabulous year, though this one was better than most. I‘ve made so many new friends without losing the old ones, and I’ve just been having the time of my life. I’m really sad to be going home.

The last three weeks have been totally amazing. I can’t remember ever being happier. The best parts involving movie night w/ the rcga crew. I hope it’s a tradition that we will keep alive next year.

Well, I have two more finals, of course they happen to be the hardest ones and have to be at the tail end of finals, so my last days here I will be studying and not hanging with my friends which just plain sucks. Plus I need a truck in order to move my couch and I need to pack up all my shit. Man this sucks.

So, who else is amazed that I a few short weeks we’re gonna be seniors? It’s so messed up that I can’t even think about it. So let’s not. For summer it looks like last summer, working at the del, except I have a job interview at a law firm this coming Wednesday, and I’m also waiting to hear back from Corzine. I reaaaaally (can’t stress that enough) don’t want to do my Eagleton internship in the fall, because then I will just never see people, and it’s my senior year so I deserve to have fun. Crazy decisions and I don’t want to have to make any of them.

Sorry this entry is such a downer..its just because I am so amazingly happy that I don’t want it to end. To all my friends, you guys make my life incredible. Congrats to all the seniors, don't be strangers!

Farewell entry in a couple of days, so keep your eyes peeled.

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