Wednesday, November 08, 2006

I get knocked down, but I get up again.

My friend Jenn wrote that Election Day is the New Year’s Eve for Washingtonians. We stay up late, drink heavily and watch the American public make it’s resolutions for the future of the government. Well if Election night ’06 was New Years Eve, then the aftermath was Christmas morning for Democrats. We went to sleep last night knowing there was a big box sitting under of our proverbial Christmas tree (or Chanukah Bush if you prefer) but instead of that blue bicycle, we got a Lexus. And damn, we’ll be taking that thing for a ride.

I usually don’t get too political in my blog. I tend to get pretty heated up about politics, to an unattractive, some would say whining, point. But this is my first election day in DC, the energy around me is electric, and I can’t not talk about it. (I enjoy that double negative)

Last night was an amazing reversal of 2004. Looking at the close elections in both Virginia and Montana, I am reminded of the sadness of watching Kerry behind in too close to call races, hoping he could somehow pull it together and win Ohio. We still are in too close to call situations, but instead it’s the republicans trailing, and the Democrats with small but substantial leads. After the heart breaking aftermath of 2004, I can’t even feel bad for them. Getting the Senate in Democratic hands would be outstanding. With the numbers on our side, we’re calling it for us. Put that in your political pipe and smoke it.

Rummy stepping down was just the icing on the cake. It spells out the significant defeat of the Republicans in this war that was executed poorly for imagined reasons. Watching Bush eat crow is a beautiful thing. He says he expected to win last night and was frankly surprised. It just goes to show what we all believe, which is that Bush and his aides have fashioned a nice little bubble for the presidency, in which he filters out the negative and focuses on what he wants to hear. At his press conference today, he really did seem like a defeated prince, awed by the message of discontent that was delivered by his once loyal subjects.

Here at the office, we’re still unable to grasp that we may be in control of the Senate. Out cautious Democrat optimism is keeping us from really thinking about it and letting it set in. Of course, that doesn’t mean we’re not gonna enjoy every minute of this.

Thanks to everyone who voted!

Thursday, October 19, 2006

We all wanna be big big stars...

Hey Cats and Kittens,
I was planning to update right after I came back from New Brunswick and we see how well that all worked out. Now it’s been over a month and tonight I’m heading once again to NB for a long weekend. I’m getting really excited about it since I have a lot of plans made and I get to see a lot of people who I missed the last time. Not to mention Mel will once again be coming down from Boston as well. I’m so happy that worked out.
Works has been pretty slow lately since we’re still out of session. I got to work on Education research and write some letters to constituents so that’s good. I really wish I could get the ball rolling on getting a more legislative oriented position. Takes time, and it’s only been two months since I’ve started. Ho hum.
Today I started the Everybody Wins program with my work pal Betsy. It’s where they pair up city school kids with working professionals (aka Me) and we read to them during one of our lunch hours each week. We got placed with an adorable 3rd Grader named Monae who basically read to us the entire time. It was funny because I was so nervous to meet a 3rd grader. I used to do this kind of stuff all the time when I was in high school, so I think I forgot how to talk to kids. Anyway, Monae is such a sweet heart and the hour just went by too quickly. It’s so nice that the Senate has a program like this where we can give back to the DC community. I would do it twice a week if they’d let us.

All in all I’m in a pretty good place. I’ve joined a Book Club and I’m studying for the GRE. After my last trip to NB I felt a bit listless and disoriented. I realized it was because of a lack of things to strive for. I didn’t have any real goals anymore. So, now I want to try and get into a graduate program at GW that I can do while working. I think trying for that will get me back on track. I was thinking back before I graduated, I used to have all these feelings like I was tied down. I always felt like I needed to escape and be totally self-sufficient. And since I moved here and got this job, I haven’t felt like that at all. Yay, I’m liberated. Let’s party.

2 hours til I’m train-bound for NJ. I don’t plan to sleep a lot this weekend and I couldn’t be more pleased.
much love


Tuesday, September 12, 2006

The years go on and we're still fighting it

Ben Fold's voice makes me think of college, no matter what he's singing. His voice IS college. Like nat king cole makes me think of Christmas. So congrats Ben Folds, you will forever make me nostalgic. Moving on...

I've been moved into my new place for a little over a week. Yeah, the moving process was a lot of fun..probably the dumbest idea in history: literally walking about a mile (each way) with one box at a time over the course of a week and a half. Then on friday, my official moving day, I made three trips in the rain. Yeah, it was totally worth saving $50 not to rent a car. NOT. On the plus side, I did get to do a whole lot of walking. not really a huge plus.
Gripes aside, I really love my new place, but pretty much anything is better when compared to the old one. I'm getting chummier with the roomies, but it's only been a week, so we're still sort of like awkard strangers. I'm getting along swimmingly with the dog and cat though, so no complaints there.
Work is great, can't believe I've been there a month. The time just rolls on by. I'm excited because I'm going to start working on a few issues soon, probably starting with Education, my forte. Hopefully I'll be helping the education LC with letters and research to kind of break up the monotony of my job. I don't mind the specific tasks that I'm responsible for, its just that I've gotten used to them very quickly, and I seem to have a lot of free time, so I'd rather pitch in than just wait for my work day to end. Plus, it's good experience.
This past week was a little tough for me just because of the fact that last week was the 1st, first day of classes that I haven't attended since kidnergarten. I try not to miss rutgers, but it's sort of something I'm unable to control. I need more DC friends..i'm working on that. I can't complain, i've got a great job and house...and a brand new subscription to NetFlix, which will be useful if that whole new friends deal doesn't work out.
I'll be back at Rutgers this weekend, which happens to be Homecoming, a coincidence since my reason for coming up is to go to my Aunt's surprise party at Keats. I haven't gotten a chance to see Ash, and there will be two, YES TWO parties while I am around, which makes it all the more worthwhile. Plus, MEL is gonna be there. no fooling.

Dinner tomorrow at Hard Rock with some new people (I've never been to a Hard Rock Cafe before, though I have seen the tshirts many times) then thursday evening I'll be on a nice long train ride back to Jersey.

Nothing more to report, hit me up if you're gonna be around the Brunz this weekend.

love ya,

ps- if you're a face book stalker check this blog out at it's actual page here because it's prettier.

Friday, August 25, 2006

Do your thing, honey...

I can't believe that today ended my second week of working in the Senator's office, don't things just progress along at an outrageous speed? My vacation home was wonderful, I got to see almost everyone that I wanted to see with some notable exceptions. But I won't note of them here, you know who you are. I said my goodbyes, to Dana, to Mel, and though I didnt know of it then, to Emma as well. Yes, our lil Emma is moving to Florida, totally beating Mel and myself for the "farthest from NJ" award. And we thought we were jetsetters. So effing wrong.

Sadly, the second I got back to DC, I felt amazingly sad, like I lost everyone all over again. A sort of light clicked on and said "hey, you weren't wrong, those people are all awesome" and I just started missing everyone to the same extent I had right after graduation. It didn't help that my friend/roommate Naomi, sort of my last friend in DC moved out that friday for her fantastic new job in NYC. I wish I had a reason to move to New York, no offense to DC, but its really got nothing on the big apple. Anyway, I picked myself up from that and went to a mixer, made some new friends, and hung out with some old RUers as well. I will not die alone! and you were all so worried.

Work is amazing, I sort of have to pinch myself. My responsibilites are menial, but simple and lends me a lot of free time to read and get caught up on current events (not featuring 10 year old murder cases featuring a beauty queen) And despite being new and a little shy, my boss has told me that the staff thinks that I am "wonderful". I'm skeptical, because I have yet to to dazzle them with my stellar wit...ahem...moving on.. Everyone in the office is fun and young, and probably the most polite people on the planet. Arkansas sure grows them good.

I met Senator Lincoln last week, and she was probably one of the nicest people I've ever met. She greeted me with a smile and a big hug and said she was so excited to have me as a part of the team. It was totally disarming. I've met about half a dozen Senators and even more Congressional members, and none of them were as personable or down to earth as my boss. It was refreshing.

Im excited for when the Senate comes back, because it's been a little slow and uneventfull..and i want to get my glimpse of the famous names that roam these halls. I'm amazingly happy, my work days fly by so quickly, it doesn't even feel like a job. Sort of feels like the first internship i ever had, except this time, i get paid. I'm just really eager to learn about how everything works here and get integrated into all the politics.

Also, big news. When I was on vacation, I found out I got the house that I interviewed to live in. I'm moving Sept 1st to my new place in Eastern Market. The neighborhood is great, two blocks from metro, great price (cheaper than where I am now) and the house is decent sized, which I am sharing with two other girls plus a dog and a cat. We have a guest room...hint...come visit me, random person reading this. I just can't wait to move out of this hell hole. Plus my new walk to work is phenomenal...along the lines of "hey theres the capitol building, hey there's the supreme court".

this has dragged on long enough. I leave you with this daily show clip that I have looked for for ages. I remember taping this episode and bringing it over to Mel and Liz's sophomore year. we all had a good long laugh. I'm now addicted to YouTube. Thanks Internet.

i love you guys immensely


Friday, August 04, 2006

I'm in the sky tonight

Yeah, it's late, but I'm all wired now because I've been cleaning and packing, and both activities boost my energy instead of wearing me out. I'm a freak, go figure.

Today took forever to get done. It was my last day of work, and despite the fact i came in a little late and left early, it dragged on forever. I don't think I've ever been so happy to leave a place before (except maybe home before going back to RU all those times) The people were great, the job was just crap. No worries, its done.

After work I had a final meeting at my new job at the Senator's office, meeting with the Chief of Staff. I was a little intimidated, but she seemed nice and said she thought I would be a good addition to the team, so it ended up being a positive note in my day.

After that was a last dinner at The Dubliner with Dave and Nicole. Both are leaving DC for good this weekend, so I will be arriving back from my vacation solo. I see it as both a good and blah situation. I'm going to miss having people i know around, but at the same time I was quite aware that I kept myself from branching out and meeting new people because I had that security. Now I'll be forced to be more social, and i'm sure it'll work out in the long run. I don't regret doing what I did, having dave and nicole around helped me feel stable, even when everything else seemed so crazy and confused, especially with the job situation. Moving away was hard enough, and it was nice to have some constant in my life inundated with variables.

I'm heading to Jersey tomorrow morning. I love that my vacation consists not of "getting away" but of visiting the people I care the most about. My to do list consists of the following:
- going to the NJ State fair with las chicas
- much needed haircut
- saying good bye to Dana who is leaving us indefinitely to the wilds of Texas
- 1 to 2 trips to New Brunswick to hang with Roomie & Company
- hanging with the Deli Crew
- trip to NYC to see the nephews

all this and much, much more.

I get back to DC the morning of the 13th via amtrak, to prep before my big first day as a Senate Staffer. hot damn.

I am floating in a sea of happiness
hope I'm seeing you soon


Monday, July 31, 2006

the distict sleeps alone tonight after the bars turn out their lights

It is pretty darn late, but sadly I cannot sleep. I am as wide awake as can be for this ungodly hour. It's reminsecent of the summer insomnia that usually follows me annually, however I'm not torn up about anything, and also I haven't had any reoccuring sleeplessness, so I figure this is just a one time anomaly. Or at least I hope it is.

As you may have noticed, I have not updated in a while and not because of laziness or forgetfulness, this time it was purposeful. I was waiting to hear back on an opportunity and didn't want to write about it, because a) I didnt want to jinx it b) i didnt want my possible failure to have to be relived in a following post. Here's a rundown of the events that occurred that I was too much of a coward to report, kind of like the "In Case You Missed it" segment on Best Week Ever.

-Had two Senate Interviews: one with the Judiciary Committee through Senator Leahy's office, and one sort of random one with Senator Lincolns office from Arkansas (shes a Democrat, worry not)

Both interviews went well, and I got along really well with the people I met with.
Outcome: Two offers: I didnt get the job on the Commitee (mostly because I had the gaul not to be born in Vermont) but they were nice enough to offer me a short paid internship on the commitee so I could get my foot in the door. However, on the same day I was offered a full time position in Lincolns office (despite never having lived in Arkansas).

My decison: Lincoln's Office. The position is as Mail Manager/ Computer Operator. At first, I was a little disappointed, thinking I might go with the Judiciary internship because it was more policy based. However, before I could even bring up the subject to my soon-to-be boss, she let me know that she was aware that I was a political science major with an interest in Education Reform, and said as soon as I got settled in, she'd introduce me to the Legislative Corresspondent for Education and let me work on projects with her to get more policy experience. She also let me know that my position was one that was a great jumping off point, and I could feel free to look around for other positions that open in the future that were more my forte for my major. I was so ecstatic. For the past two months I have felt guilty about looking for another job while still having one currently, even though I hated that job. These Senate positions have such amazing flexibility, so that I can gather the experience I need, and as soon as I feel I need a change, I can follow through with it without feeling guilty.

Anyway, this all happened on Friday, and it was by far one of the best days of my life thus far. I had given notice to my other job on Tuesday (before I even knew about this job) after a long internal struggle on whether I should do so or not. I just hated working at the PAC so much, I knew if I could find a job as a waitress, it would be better than working there. Luckily, there was no need for that.

More details (for those who have not yet fallen asleep), I was introduced to most of the people in the office (except for the Senator herself) And it has a really nice atmosphere. A lot of younger people, with anti-Bush paraphenalia around their desks. My supervisor, Thirise, is just wonderful. She's a lot of fun, and I can tell I'll really enjoy wotking with her. Other perks:
- I have a DESK, not a cubicle as is the case right now. It's in the open space and I won't be stuck in a corner somewhere. I know you think I'm crazy going on about a desk, but once you all enter the workplace, you'll realize how important it is that you not be in a cubicle, a la Office Space.
-I get business cards. I've always wanted a reason to have a business card, but most people my age who have business cards seem pretentious, and 9 times out ot 10, they are, and maybe I am too, but man, I can't wait to see them. All the cards have the Senate seal on them and are simple and not ostentatious at all.
-and then of course I get a salary and healthcare, and they pay off my students loans..401 K, life insurance...snore

To me though, the best part is the flexibility with vacation time. I get 15 paid vacation days a year, plus sick leave and all major holidays off. Why is this important to me, despite the obvious? Because I cannot count the number of times I have had to miss an event because of work, or because I knew I wouldnt get paid if I took off, and the need for money outweighed my want to see people I love. Now, if I want to take off a friday, or a monday for a long weekend, I can, and I dont have to lose touch or time with friends because I'm "too busy". I'll be able to travel up to NB for CAP shows and hang with old pals not just because of the time, but that I'll actually be able to afford it. I absolutely love that.

I was going to update you all on the other exciting things that have happened, (non-work related) but I should probably try to sleep because tomorrow is day 1 of 4 of my last days at the PAC. However, it should be known to all my darling Jersey crew members that because of my rash yet necessary decision to quit my job before the new one, a bit more luck has come my way. My last day of work is this Thursday the 3rd, my Senate job starts Monday, August 14th. Time in between? Perfect for vacation, no? So this friday, I will use some modern mode of transportation to get up to NJ, and in all likeliness, stay there til Sunday the 13th. It is probable that I will rent a car so I can shuffle down to NB for a few of those days to hang out with all you beautiful Rutgers people. New Brunswick, you're on notice.

I'm so happy thinking about everything i have. I'm proably not going to fall asleep.


Thursday, June 29, 2006

Snakes in My Alphabits

stolen From Dana, but I don't care.. it's too good.

Monday, June 26, 2006

They say time heals everything. But I'm still waiting...

I really shouldn’t be writing this now. It’s late and I have work tomorrow morning. Tomorrow will be day one of week number three of a job I am now sick of. All the little learning trials have come and gone and now I’m just bored an unmotivated. I wonder how someone could live a life in a cubicle, or in a job the is the same, everyday. I wasn’t meant for this, and that’s why I hate it so much.

Before everyone thinks I’m in a really bad place, let me correct you. There actually is nothing wrong with this job. It is simple, and it pays well, and they let me read in my cubicle (which I do, while on hold or doing my breaks, or in between phone calls) I have finished three novels while at work. I make jokes with my coworkers and we take our own “breaks” and have chats when we’re bored. It’s just that this job asks nothing of me and challenges me in no way. When I do well ( i.e. when i am successful in getting a member to join the PAC) which only happens 5-6 times a day, I am ecstatic. On slow days like last Thursday and Friday, I sink into the unhappiness of realizing I wasted the day, and accomplished nothing but making money. I’m not trying to hype this job to be more than it is, but I would like to have a job where I felt like I was getting work done, everyday, and that I actually wanted to get up and go to work, instead of dreading it. I don’t feel like I am building towards anything, just that I am existing, from day to day, with no goal to reach out to. The same thing everyday, and each new day, I start at zero. This is, quite literally, hell.

On the bright side, I am starting to really enjoy DC. Minus all the crazy, creepy, scary people that call this place home, it is quite nice. I’m warming up to the roommates in the house, especially our newest edition, Naomi, who just came from Brown, a British expatriate who has lived in Dubai, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and is amazingly silly and fun. I love it when I can talk to a person and within 5 minutes know we will get along swimmingly. A group of us housemates went to Adams Morgan last Thursday to do a bar crawl, which was fun, and must be repeated. Yesterday, Nicole, new friend Mo and I went Museum Hopping to the National Gallery, Museum of Natural History, and Museum of American History. Nic and I topped off the day by going to Chinatown and enjoying the fare. Today I was a complete waste of space, but it was gloomy and rainy so I really didn’t feel like doing anything anyway.

My NJ homesickness hit me this week. Just missing people from home and school, and realizing that I don’t get to go back to RU, as an undergrad, not ever again. The ride is closed for good. Sure, I knew this all ready, but I’ve just kept thinking about it, making it hit home every time. This is just dumb because I realize my first year at Rutgers wasn’t great, and I recall missing my V-town friends a lot, so much so that I really disliked school. And now its going to be the same way here. I’ll be lonely and uncomfortable for a bit, and then I’ll get situated, make friends, and have fun, so much so that I forget to feel so sad for something that I can reach for, but never hold on to. And just like I didn’t lose my pals when I left Vernon, I know I won’t lose my RU pals either, I just have to relearn how to deal with the feeling of not knowing when I will be seeing them again. The point is to remember that I WILL see them again. The when is just details.

Time here has moved unbearably slow. June has lasted forever. July promises to be no quicker.

All friends, please call, write, messenger pigeon, what have you. I miss you like crazy.
- l’arc-en-ciel

Sunday, June 11, 2006

We'll do it all. Everything. On our own.

So I've been a citizen of Washington D.C. for a little over a week. The move in went smoothly, Viki = awesome. I got my room set up the ay i wanted and my pictures on the walls. Some artwork and some light cleaning and the place feels like mine. I don't even mind the pink paint on the walls, matches my iPod. The city is amazing, though I still have much of it to cover. The Capitol Building (a mere 5 blocks away) is absolutely breathtaking at night. I've been visiting several Senate office buildings, trying to get my resume around and doing some informational interviews. Nothing promising yet, but I hope that will change. In the meantime, last Monday I had two interviews, one for USPIRG and the other for a Political Fundraiser called CapTel. PIRG wasn't policy based work (they wanted a techie basically) and they wanted a year commitment. I didn't want to do either of those things. The other job really isn't policy based either, but the pay is better and the hours are more flexible. CapTel offered me the job on Wednesday, and I started training on Thursday and Friday. They also allow me to take off Fridays (which I will be leaving open for interviews) and I can pretty much quit as long as I give them a weeks notice. The people there are friendly and the work is pretty simple. Oh, and it's a five minute walk from my house. I really couldn't ask for more of a temporary job. I'm a little crestfallen because I haven't been able to find anything promising in the Senate. Part of me thinks I should have just pursued that, but sitting in the house on Tuesday and Wednesday, being a complete waste of space, I realized I'd just go bonkers. Atleast now, I'll be making money, gaining some experience, and still have the time to pursue the job I really want.

Meanwhile, throught the Rutgers in DC program, I've made a couple new friends and have had a semblance of a social life. I got to see Al Gore's movie, so I'm ahead of the curve. Sassy called me earlier in the week, she had been pretty emotional, having trouble moving on, especially with moving into her own place. I haven't had that at all really, but I guess college got me used to that. I miss not having transportation, and not being able to get home if I want to. I'm a crazy sort of person who would drive 4 hours to see a bunch of friends and then drive back. I guess i care too damned much. Otherwise, I'm glad I have people here who I know, so I'm not completely alone. Then I'd probably doubt this more.

Part of me hasn't realized that I'm not going back to Jersey in the forseeable future. I feel like I'm just visiting, or I'm supposed to be going to classes. Something like that, something temporary. Also surprising is how much I cling to Jersey people. It's hard to be around people who don't understand Jersey stuff. I've always seen myself as an accepting person, but when it comes to regional differences, I guess I've just never been tested. Hearing people with deep southern drawls always makes me flinch. It a bit of culture shock I guess.

I felt a little eh today. Not homesick. Just lonely. Yesterday was a whirl of activity, and today was silent. I don't know why I feel like every free moment should be filled, but I do and I got mildly depressed this evening..just wishing I had something to do and someone to do it with. It's only been a week, I shouldn't complain. I'll have plenty of opportunities to make friends and go places. I feel like I've been here for a month.

Well this has gone on much longer than I expected. Now that you're bored to death, have a nice week


Friday, June 02, 2006

Time ticks by, where'd you go?

So, it's official, I'm a college graduate. And furthermore, tonight is my last night as a New Jersey resident, at least for the next 3 months. My stuff is packed, the place is rented, job is still up in the air, and tomorrow a dread-locked Hungarian and her communist van are coming to whisk me away from this town. My friends and family have been so supportive, just amazingly positive in believing that this is a great idea. Ross Baker has sanctioned my endeavor, so it's gotta be good. I, on the other hand, am absolutely terrified. I try not to, but everytime I try to pretend I don't care, I end up feeling sick or otherwise emotional. I might as well let myself feel it, and keep from being sick.

Rewind. So graduation was great, since I got to go extremely early, thanks Rutgers, it was the one time that being an "M" was a good thing. The Post-Party at Keats was amazingly fun as well, with buds from both school and home as well as my favorite family members. Hell yeah for drunken kareoke.

Home has been pretty good. Mostly sitting on my ass, hanging with the girls for a little bit until Dana went back to NY and Megs heads to Florida. It kills me knowing that I won't be spending this summer with them, and part of me wishes I had reconsidered, just so i could have stayed with them. I know I'll always have them, the time i can't spend with them now will be made up in the future. 10 years of friendship ain't nothing to scoff at.

My summer insomnia hit last night, I couldnt fall asleep til 4am. I really hope this is isolated and that it hasn't returned for good. I really can't imagine being in DC, having to work, and not sleeping, like is usual for my summers. I need for this not to happen this year.

I've been back to NB twice in the past two weeks. I realize my inability to stay away, and i accept it. I went to Sara and Brent's party last saturday, and then I was there yesterday for one last diner run with the boys, and to give nick his b-day present. Part of me really doesn't want to leave, and another part is in denial that I won't be returning. I talked to a bunch of alumni in the past few weeks and they say after a year or so, you kind of stop missing it. It's funny, I don't recall if I felt this way about high school, but it just feels ten times worse than any recent heartache i've experienced. I'm really lucky that I'm able to care about this place so much.

I was gonna write this open letter to Rutgers, but I'm a bit tired for it. Keep your eyes peeled for it, because it will be coming...although probably from D.C.

I will say to all my buddies, past and present, that I am going to try my best not to lose you. Yeah, I'll be far, but not far enough that I can't come to a party, or wedding or bat mitzvah. Throughout my life, there has been one constant of friendship being the most important thing to me. I must have done something really nice in a past life to deserve you crazy people.

dial me up if you're in the district

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Places in a memory hold on to me. and I can't wait...

My life has changed dramatically since I last posted. My small depression about RCGA has passed, mostly because much bigger things have erupted that make that loss seem like nothing.

Passing the Gavel came and went, it was probably the best party of my college career. I had a great time. End of classes was a blur mostly because i wasn't worried about class and finals so much as I was about my future. My trip to D.C. was great, and made me realize further that I wanted to be there and work in a Congressional Office. Now getting that job is a whole different story. However, its a dream that I'm not willing to settle about. I don't want to defer it either. The day right after DC was the rally in Trenton. They commented about my sign in the Star Ledger. It was fantastic. It was my last stand as a Rutgers student and I was so amazingly proud.

Moving on. I have been applying to various jobs in both Jersey and DC. I heard back from one, and did interviews from 3 others which I will hear back from shortly. I was all over the place about where I was gonna be til I finally bit the bullet. I'm moving to D.C. I have an address and everything. My friend Dave and I found a place 2 blocks from Union Station and starting June 2nd, I will be a D.C. resident. It's probably the most spontaneous thing I've ever done in my life but as I said to my sister, I'm 22, I'm pretty sure this is the time you're supposed to do stuff like this. I'm freaked about it but I'm sure I'll be able to handle it after some initial panic/disorientation. I've handled worse (see last summer) and I have some support in D.C., at least for a while.

It's officially Senior Week (has been for a couple days), and everything seems to have come full circle. Senior Week reminds me of Orientation on Livingston 4 years ago. This is more of a Dis-orientation. Here are the similarities:
We're put into small, smelly rooms with our stuff all disorganized and disassembled.
We stay at the above mainly to sleep.
We hardly eat anything of nutritional value
We stay out way too late and our days are without structure, something we find fascinating
It's warm out
Everyone is friendly
that times some fun activities plus a lot of alcohol equals senior week.

Today was Medieval Times with the gang, which was a lot of fun. Eating with hands plus violence. Hot damn. Tonight is a trip to the city with a bunch o' people. Monday is Great Adventure.

Then a blur of activity culminating in the Big Day: Thursday. Grad Day.

Gonna keep myself busy so I stop thinking about it.
i feel lucky that i have so many things to miss. Some people somewhere don't have that.

love, rachel

Thursday, April 13, 2006

and it goes fast. you think of the past. suddenly everything has changed...

Realizing how difficult it is to write this makes me disappointed in myself. I have prided myself in being able to detach and reattach to different things in my life with ease. I have made myself flexable to new situations, no longer hiding from them. With trying to write this,i realize that's been a farce, and i'm still that girl who hates it when things change, when she's not ready for them to change.
My last RCGA meeting was on Tuesday, and I made my way through it quite well I think. I gave my last vote, last officer report, last roll call. They passed and the world kept turning. It's really stupid to think this way because these things really have no bearing on the world, or my life...bigger things have hit me, even larger heartbreaks will come at me, and I am sure I will survive them. I was able to look at these moments during the last meeting and remember them as my last and draw every bit of happiness out of them for realizing it.
Anyway, here my open letter to the RCGA
My first two years at college were a whirl of ups and downs. Freshman year was disappointing (It was livingston, ha) and sophomore year brought me to college ave where I had more friends but was still just going through the motions of being a college student, still in my shell. I let Mel drag me to a RCGA meeting when she saw two Class of 06 spots were open. We had no idea what it was about, and about 15 minutes into the meeting they called for nominees to run. We spoke, answered question (thanks raj murthy for the cheat sheet) and 20 minutes later, we were a part of something. Nothing like realizing how a 2 second decision to do something changes you. Since then, college was something much better than it had ever been. I made some of the best friends I've ever had, its scary to realize i may never have met them if i had not joined. I began to feel important when people would ask me questions about the college or university because they knew i was a member. I was able to get the most out of rutgers by representing it, taking the good with the bad, and learning how to fix the bad. I laughed. I had fun. I've never felt so part of a community, even within my own family. Never felt so able to speak my mind, or share my thoughts, to joke and to be serious. I know I won't be ever to have this again, the way it was, but I'm really thankful I was able to be given it for the 2 years I had. I'm sad because I don't want to let go of it, and happy because I know it will continue and be there even though i am not. I'm going to let myself be jealous of it.

I thought i was gonna wait til Passing the Gavel to write this, but this morning i received an email nicely kicking me off the rcga listserv, which had to be done, i know this. It was just the realization of someone saying, you have to let go, instead of me giving myself time to let go. It's probably better this way, i can't be constantly checking to see what's going on with the body I'm no longer a part of. It hurt like ripping off a bandaid though. oh well, i've dealt with worse. One day i won't even care about this, I'll look back at this post and realize how silly I was.

In summation, just wanted to thank every person I worked with in the past two years. Thanks especially to Mel who dragged me here, thanks to whoever thought it was a good idea to create the rcga in 1894. To the friends I made, you are some of the most amazing people I have ever met. I've always found that I am able to surround myself with the best and brightest people, you are no exception. I am to see to it I do not lose you,

For the final time,
Rachel Marcus
Class of 2006 Representative
Rutgers College Governing Association

(the art of losing's not too hard to master...)

Friday, March 17, 2006

I am a visitor here. I am not permanent...

Greeting from sunny Cancun
Too bad Cancun looks a lot like Vernon, NJ. Go figure. Finally updating after weeks of ignoring it. More than a month ago it was my 22nd bday, followed by my birthday party at Stuff Yer Face. It was the most amazing party ever. So many people came out, pictures to be up on facebook soon. I had so much fun hanging with friends, sharing a fishbowl with eric, kamikaze shot courtesy of rob. I was tipsy but not drunk, which is good because i was able to remember what wan undoubtedly one of the best nights of my life thus far. I felt so unbelievably lucky to be surrounded by so many great people. You are all awesome
Since my last post, i've become less clear about future plans. LSAT scores blew, but I've still applied to Rutgers Newark. Fingers crossed. I learned a lot about getting a job in DC. I've toyed with going to China to teach english for half a year. I'm not closer to knowing what I want to do and inching closer and closer to May 19th. I know things will work themselves out, I just wish I could be more secure in my future.
Other than that bullcrap, great stuff has happened. I got elected to go to D.C> and talk with Congress members about financial aid. I'm amazingly thrilled with it, half because of the experience, but mostly because I want to be able to tell these people that they can't keep cutting aid and expecting students to pick up the tab. Congress is my own personal complaint department . Sort of.
Since I've been home for break, not much has happened. I avoided work like it was my J-O-B, hung out a little with Dana and Sarah. got to hang with Missy, Rach and Britt. Much awesomeness. I didn't get to work much at all, a surprise to me since I needed the money, but I did enjoy the time to sit and do nothing. I watched Matlock. I'm sad.
The break has been exhilarating, but I'm ready to get back in two days. I miss my friends, and I'm ready for this home stretch. I can't wait for it to be warm out, and getting to walk around without a jacket. I like looking forward to things.

til next time

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Could you take away my weakness, I'm not that strong...

This may be some sort of record,
I only waited a month to start writing in this thing again. Go me. It is 6 days til I am officially old (i.e. 22) and I couldn't be more pleased. I love Valentines Day, mostly just to spite all you people who hate it. I've been back from Israel since the 15th. it was amazing. It didn't renew any of my feelings toward organized religion, it actually made me more angry at the orthodox, but I saw some beautiful things, walked in the desert, floated in the dead sea, saw Jerusalem, met wonderful people, and was just plain happy that I got to leave the U.S. I've been saying for the longest time that I wanted to do that, and now I have. Fear of planes be damned! I wish I could go everywhere, but I have to remind myself that there is plenty of time for that.

It's so funny when you're as young as we are and you feel like you're running out of time. I tend to live in the future, so it's hard to think about right now, I'm full of that stupid youthful optismism of feeling that I want to experience everything and be fulfilled. I have trouble when I see some of my friends who are willing to just settle in a place. I don't want to stop moving. That;s probably why I'm having trouble planning what to do after school is over. LSATs are over as of last week, and what they are will probably seal my fate law school wise. But I'm thinking that even if I do get in, I might just want to find a low level job on the Hill and live in D.C. for a few years. I really love that place, I've only ever been there a handful of times and it always felt like its where I was supposed to be. I don't want to put it off for another 3 years, plus whatever time I'll have to work in a firm to make up my student loans. Blahdy blah.

At the same time, I don't want to think about life outside of Rutgers. I've finally accepted the fact that I'm leaving, and that it's going to be fine because it just will be. Its a vast improvement because in the beginning of the year, I felt like I couldn't leave New Brunswick, and wanted another year. Now I've sort of conditioned the same feeling of NB as I have for Vernon: this place has given all it could, and you have to get out or you're going to regret it. There's nothing more for me here after graduation. I have to take what it has given and leave. It's really hard for me to separate from the people, and from the sense of familiarity that has come with living here, but I want to find a new place that I can become familiar with as well.

I know this may all sound like craziness, but its just amazing when I think of how much happens in 4 years. I look back at high school, and notice all those people I lost touch with (though the important one are still around) and I just don't want that to happen again. It's so absurd to mourn for those things which you haven't yet lost...but it's impossible not to acknowledge that it probably will happen. i don't know, i think it helps me to treasure everything and everyone now. I like being so lucky, I would just hate to lose it but nothing lasts forever.

Well kids, hope you think I'm a freak now ;)

have a happy valentines day