Friday, August 04, 2006

I'm in the sky tonight

Yeah, it's late, but I'm all wired now because I've been cleaning and packing, and both activities boost my energy instead of wearing me out. I'm a freak, go figure.

Today took forever to get done. It was my last day of work, and despite the fact i came in a little late and left early, it dragged on forever. I don't think I've ever been so happy to leave a place before (except maybe home before going back to RU all those times) The people were great, the job was just crap. No worries, its done.

After work I had a final meeting at my new job at the Senator's office, meeting with the Chief of Staff. I was a little intimidated, but she seemed nice and said she thought I would be a good addition to the team, so it ended up being a positive note in my day.

After that was a last dinner at The Dubliner with Dave and Nicole. Both are leaving DC for good this weekend, so I will be arriving back from my vacation solo. I see it as both a good and blah situation. I'm going to miss having people i know around, but at the same time I was quite aware that I kept myself from branching out and meeting new people because I had that security. Now I'll be forced to be more social, and i'm sure it'll work out in the long run. I don't regret doing what I did, having dave and nicole around helped me feel stable, even when everything else seemed so crazy and confused, especially with the job situation. Moving away was hard enough, and it was nice to have some constant in my life inundated with variables.

I'm heading to Jersey tomorrow morning. I love that my vacation consists not of "getting away" but of visiting the people I care the most about. My to do list consists of the following:
- going to the NJ State fair with las chicas
- much needed haircut
- saying good bye to Dana who is leaving us indefinitely to the wilds of Texas
- 1 to 2 trips to New Brunswick to hang with Roomie & Company
- hanging with the Deli Crew
- trip to NYC to see the nephews

all this and much, much more.

I get back to DC the morning of the 13th via amtrak, to prep before my big first day as a Senate Staffer. hot damn.

I am floating in a sea of happiness
hope I'm seeing you soon


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