Monday, July 31, 2006

the distict sleeps alone tonight after the bars turn out their lights

It is pretty darn late, but sadly I cannot sleep. I am as wide awake as can be for this ungodly hour. It's reminsecent of the summer insomnia that usually follows me annually, however I'm not torn up about anything, and also I haven't had any reoccuring sleeplessness, so I figure this is just a one time anomaly. Or at least I hope it is.

As you may have noticed, I have not updated in a while and not because of laziness or forgetfulness, this time it was purposeful. I was waiting to hear back on an opportunity and didn't want to write about it, because a) I didnt want to jinx it b) i didnt want my possible failure to have to be relived in a following post. Here's a rundown of the events that occurred that I was too much of a coward to report, kind of like the "In Case You Missed it" segment on Best Week Ever.

-Had two Senate Interviews: one with the Judiciary Committee through Senator Leahy's office, and one sort of random one with Senator Lincolns office from Arkansas (shes a Democrat, worry not)

Both interviews went well, and I got along really well with the people I met with.
Outcome: Two offers: I didnt get the job on the Commitee (mostly because I had the gaul not to be born in Vermont) but they were nice enough to offer me a short paid internship on the commitee so I could get my foot in the door. However, on the same day I was offered a full time position in Lincolns office (despite never having lived in Arkansas).

My decison: Lincoln's Office. The position is as Mail Manager/ Computer Operator. At first, I was a little disappointed, thinking I might go with the Judiciary internship because it was more policy based. However, before I could even bring up the subject to my soon-to-be boss, she let me know that she was aware that I was a political science major with an interest in Education Reform, and said as soon as I got settled in, she'd introduce me to the Legislative Corresspondent for Education and let me work on projects with her to get more policy experience. She also let me know that my position was one that was a great jumping off point, and I could feel free to look around for other positions that open in the future that were more my forte for my major. I was so ecstatic. For the past two months I have felt guilty about looking for another job while still having one currently, even though I hated that job. These Senate positions have such amazing flexibility, so that I can gather the experience I need, and as soon as I feel I need a change, I can follow through with it without feeling guilty.

Anyway, this all happened on Friday, and it was by far one of the best days of my life thus far. I had given notice to my other job on Tuesday (before I even knew about this job) after a long internal struggle on whether I should do so or not. I just hated working at the PAC so much, I knew if I could find a job as a waitress, it would be better than working there. Luckily, there was no need for that.

More details (for those who have not yet fallen asleep), I was introduced to most of the people in the office (except for the Senator herself) And it has a really nice atmosphere. A lot of younger people, with anti-Bush paraphenalia around their desks. My supervisor, Thirise, is just wonderful. She's a lot of fun, and I can tell I'll really enjoy wotking with her. Other perks:
- I have a DESK, not a cubicle as is the case right now. It's in the open space and I won't be stuck in a corner somewhere. I know you think I'm crazy going on about a desk, but once you all enter the workplace, you'll realize how important it is that you not be in a cubicle, a la Office Space.
-I get business cards. I've always wanted a reason to have a business card, but most people my age who have business cards seem pretentious, and 9 times out ot 10, they are, and maybe I am too, but man, I can't wait to see them. All the cards have the Senate seal on them and are simple and not ostentatious at all.
-and then of course I get a salary and healthcare, and they pay off my students loans..401 K, life insurance...snore

To me though, the best part is the flexibility with vacation time. I get 15 paid vacation days a year, plus sick leave and all major holidays off. Why is this important to me, despite the obvious? Because I cannot count the number of times I have had to miss an event because of work, or because I knew I wouldnt get paid if I took off, and the need for money outweighed my want to see people I love. Now, if I want to take off a friday, or a monday for a long weekend, I can, and I dont have to lose touch or time with friends because I'm "too busy". I'll be able to travel up to NB for CAP shows and hang with old pals not just because of the time, but that I'll actually be able to afford it. I absolutely love that.

I was going to update you all on the other exciting things that have happened, (non-work related) but I should probably try to sleep because tomorrow is day 1 of 4 of my last days at the PAC. However, it should be known to all my darling Jersey crew members that because of my rash yet necessary decision to quit my job before the new one, a bit more luck has come my way. My last day of work is this Thursday the 3rd, my Senate job starts Monday, August 14th. Time in between? Perfect for vacation, no? So this friday, I will use some modern mode of transportation to get up to NJ, and in all likeliness, stay there til Sunday the 13th. It is probable that I will rent a car so I can shuffle down to NB for a few of those days to hang out with all you beautiful Rutgers people. New Brunswick, you're on notice.

I'm so happy thinking about everything i have. I'm proably not going to fall asleep.


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