Sunday, June 11, 2006

We'll do it all. Everything. On our own.

So I've been a citizen of Washington D.C. for a little over a week. The move in went smoothly, Viki = awesome. I got my room set up the ay i wanted and my pictures on the walls. Some artwork and some light cleaning and the place feels like mine. I don't even mind the pink paint on the walls, matches my iPod. The city is amazing, though I still have much of it to cover. The Capitol Building (a mere 5 blocks away) is absolutely breathtaking at night. I've been visiting several Senate office buildings, trying to get my resume around and doing some informational interviews. Nothing promising yet, but I hope that will change. In the meantime, last Monday I had two interviews, one for USPIRG and the other for a Political Fundraiser called CapTel. PIRG wasn't policy based work (they wanted a techie basically) and they wanted a year commitment. I didn't want to do either of those things. The other job really isn't policy based either, but the pay is better and the hours are more flexible. CapTel offered me the job on Wednesday, and I started training on Thursday and Friday. They also allow me to take off Fridays (which I will be leaving open for interviews) and I can pretty much quit as long as I give them a weeks notice. The people there are friendly and the work is pretty simple. Oh, and it's a five minute walk from my house. I really couldn't ask for more of a temporary job. I'm a little crestfallen because I haven't been able to find anything promising in the Senate. Part of me thinks I should have just pursued that, but sitting in the house on Tuesday and Wednesday, being a complete waste of space, I realized I'd just go bonkers. Atleast now, I'll be making money, gaining some experience, and still have the time to pursue the job I really want.

Meanwhile, throught the Rutgers in DC program, I've made a couple new friends and have had a semblance of a social life. I got to see Al Gore's movie, so I'm ahead of the curve. Sassy called me earlier in the week, she had been pretty emotional, having trouble moving on, especially with moving into her own place. I haven't had that at all really, but I guess college got me used to that. I miss not having transportation, and not being able to get home if I want to. I'm a crazy sort of person who would drive 4 hours to see a bunch of friends and then drive back. I guess i care too damned much. Otherwise, I'm glad I have people here who I know, so I'm not completely alone. Then I'd probably doubt this more.

Part of me hasn't realized that I'm not going back to Jersey in the forseeable future. I feel like I'm just visiting, or I'm supposed to be going to classes. Something like that, something temporary. Also surprising is how much I cling to Jersey people. It's hard to be around people who don't understand Jersey stuff. I've always seen myself as an accepting person, but when it comes to regional differences, I guess I've just never been tested. Hearing people with deep southern drawls always makes me flinch. It a bit of culture shock I guess.

I felt a little eh today. Not homesick. Just lonely. Yesterday was a whirl of activity, and today was silent. I don't know why I feel like every free moment should be filled, but I do and I got mildly depressed this evening..just wishing I had something to do and someone to do it with. It's only been a week, I shouldn't complain. I'll have plenty of opportunities to make friends and go places. I feel like I've been here for a month.

Well this has gone on much longer than I expected. Now that you're bored to death, have a nice week


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