Wednesday, November 03, 2004

As you all know, John Kerry is not our new President, we're stuck with our shitty old one..which sucks. I was personally heartbroken, both yesterday when it was going poorly, and today when Kerry gave his concession speech. I finally broke down when Kerry was feels like its a bad thing to align yourself so closely to politics like I did. I was so drawn in, and I wanted him to win so badly that when he lost, it feels like all my motivation has been drained from me. School, fuck school. Bush is given reign for 4 more years, years which may prove even more deadly than the previous ones. I'm trying not to be so intense about it, but I can't not. This is the way i feel about politics..its deeply embedded in my system and its not going anywhere. Its quite painful to be on the losing side, i know this, but imagine how great it would have been if we had won. That woulda been a high I'd have been riding for a long time. That high was worth the risk to me. Gamble big, lose big I guess. See, this is probably one of the reasons why I'm a Mets Fan. When you lose, it sucks..but oh, when you is insanely great. Its worth all the losing.

Its going to take me a long while to get over thing election, maybe 4 months, maybe 4 years, who knows?
I'm looking forward to hopefully getting away from this country for a while. London with my girls in the summer, and maybe Peru in the late summer for school.

Everything up to the elction had been going great though, Halloween was a blast, we went to an awesome house party of Douglass..much dancing, music, fog machine, etc. I've made some new friends in the last few weeks from work and from RCGA and Cabaret. I love hanging out with people.

I just wish this week was over. I have a midterm tomorrow, but then I have Rutgers Clubbing.. Melissa and Emma Strike Back! Old School RC back together again...oh baby. Though sadly our lovely Viki will be leaving us, and we'll have to replace her with someone else, who will probably be less spunky and have less dredlocks. Oh dear.

Hopefully movie this weekend, and Intermezzo on Friday. SARAH MIGHT BE COMING! Yay, me gusta.
(Seriously anyone, I Heart Huckabees or Alfie?)

I'm starting to feel better...


kalor the destructor said...

hey girl!
hmmm, we only hung out once and we live int he same town, something ain't right uhh uhhh. (i dont know how to spell that) haha
i would love to see i heart huckabees.
anyway, i will see you on friday of course.(maybe one day i will get fired and there will be a time i could actually sit and eat with you)
ha, keeep it real

Rachel said...

I will definitely try to steal someone who can take us to Huckabees next week. Damn them for taking it out of Menlo Mall so soon Its probably because of the Pixar Incredibles movie..BLAST!

see ya laaaaaaaaaaater