Monday, November 22, 2004

When she dances, she goes and goes...

Yo ho all,
I had a very successful weekend, socially and not academically,which is not good. Friday night was a blast, we had Thanksgiving dinner at Intermezzo with a party of about 11 people. Basically it was 2 hours of food, fun, stolen bottle of apple cider (yeah, that was all me), fake drunken toasts (me as well) and a stolen pumpkin pie (thanks to Steinhart). Afterwards was Bridget Jone II which was awful, and late nite party at Carrie's. Weirdest part of the night was the 3:30 ride on the drunk bus when our driver believed himself to be Don Johnson from Miami Vice and chased a kid who was outside running from the RUPD (chased him meaning almost ran him over with the bus) We then got to watch the poor, drunk (and very stupid) kid get arrested and thrown on the ground. I felt like I should have been filming it. Bad boys, bad boys..whatcha gonna do?

CAP party on Saturday nite was excellent as well, although all my clothes reeked of cigarettes and pot when i got back. grrr.

ooh, and in other news, the lovely Kala got cast in "Quilt" for next semester (if only we knew what role she was playing). *sniff* I'm just so proud!

I've been feeling much better as of late, just in general. I got out of my little rut, happily. Hopefully i won't be thrown back into it when I go home for Thanksgiving. I'll just have to do my best to stay out of my house, and hanging out as much as possible with mis chicas. I'm leaving Tuesday, around 3 and meeting up with the delightful Missy. I totally miss my home-people.

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone if I don't see you before I leave.
Peace and love, and turkey (or tofurkey, if you swing that way)

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