Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Its the Danger in the Dancing that makes it worth the while...

Well I've been in the weirdest mood lately. I'm stuck somewhere between content and annoyed, both of which are emotions that offer nothing to me. I'm quite uninterested in feeling this way at all. And to think that two weeks agao I was feeling quite exhilerated and happy. Stupid swings...

I'm at work at the moment, which in and of itself it quite boring, but it'll be over in a half hour so I can't complain. I'm quite glad that this week is moving quickly, as tomorrow will be Rutgers Club night, and I need my weekly fix of laughter and mirth, and much sooner than usual.

RCGA totally rocks my world. I've been to two meetings and a Legislative Affairs meeting and its just awesome. I should have joined it sooner. The people are great, the stuff we talk about really matters for Rutgers, and because of them I'll be lobbying in Trenton next Monday for March of Dimes, and get to meet some people, and do some things for a really great cause. I miss my community service stuff. I did so much of it in highschool and I just never got comfortable in RU til the end of last year. Stupid me, I should have tried harder anyway.

My Sister Alison has offered to pay for my sister and I to take the train from England to Paris this summer. I'm ecstatic about that because it just seems like the idea that we're going is getting more real. I'm really sick of just saying we're going to go somewhere or do something and we just don't. What a waste of life, you know?

K, I'm leaving in 6 minutes...time for Food, laundry, LOST and West homework I'm sure.


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