Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Life Goes Easy On Me....most of the time

Hi Friends,
Whoa...mucho has occurred in the last couple of days. Lets give the rundown. Friday, Intermezzo fun, with LOTS of people. I just love how it snowballed (although I was a bit perturbed at the time). Its crazy when you invite people to come somewhere, and not only does everyone say they can come, but they have pals who want to come with them. So finally I was just laughing and like, fuck it, bring everyone! Two tables full of people and two hours later, we went to the A Capella competition. Cornell girl should have been arrested for butchering what used to be an ok Evanescence song. Rutgers won 1st Runner up, so thats hot.
Saturday was much fun with squeezing 12 people (rather comfortably) into my room for double feature movie nite. The Usual Suspects and Dogma were shown, and much fun was had by all. We must do it more often, and thanks to those who came and spruced up my Sat. nite ;) Monday, I went down to Trenton to Lobby for March of Dimes w. Jenn from RCGA. It totally rocked, as we got to see our new Governor Codey address the Senate for the first time, as well as chat up some legislators about the importance of MOD. I don't know if I'm cut out for lobbying though...ya gotta be able to sell an idea quickley to people who are busy and usually not extremely interested. And you have to beat out the lobbyists who are offering lots of financial backing (politically speaking). Not-for-profits don't have the means to do that, obviously.
In other news I've been a very blah person around here lately. Can't get out of my little rut, and situations around here aren't making it any easier. I chalk it up to a need to go home and see my chicas. I guess I'm ready to not be here anymore, and not just for a month like in winter break. I need a change, which is too bad I'm stuck here coz of Eagleton, now when I'm finally ready to study abroad, i can't. I'm a stupid crazy person. How will I ever surivive like this?

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