Monday, November 22, 2004

When she dances, she goes and goes...

Yo ho all,
I had a very successful weekend, socially and not academically,which is not good. Friday night was a blast, we had Thanksgiving dinner at Intermezzo with a party of about 11 people. Basically it was 2 hours of food, fun, stolen bottle of apple cider (yeah, that was all me), fake drunken toasts (me as well) and a stolen pumpkin pie (thanks to Steinhart). Afterwards was Bridget Jone II which was awful, and late nite party at Carrie's. Weirdest part of the night was the 3:30 ride on the drunk bus when our driver believed himself to be Don Johnson from Miami Vice and chased a kid who was outside running from the RUPD (chased him meaning almost ran him over with the bus) We then got to watch the poor, drunk (and very stupid) kid get arrested and thrown on the ground. I felt like I should have been filming it. Bad boys, bad boys..whatcha gonna do?

CAP party on Saturday nite was excellent as well, although all my clothes reeked of cigarettes and pot when i got back. grrr.

ooh, and in other news, the lovely Kala got cast in "Quilt" for next semester (if only we knew what role she was playing). *sniff* I'm just so proud!

I've been feeling much better as of late, just in general. I got out of my little rut, happily. Hopefully i won't be thrown back into it when I go home for Thanksgiving. I'll just have to do my best to stay out of my house, and hanging out as much as possible with mis chicas. I'm leaving Tuesday, around 3 and meeting up with the delightful Missy. I totally miss my home-people.

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone if I don't see you before I leave.
Peace and love, and turkey (or tofurkey, if you swing that way)

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Life Goes Easy On Me....most of the time

Hi Friends,
Whoa...mucho has occurred in the last couple of days. Lets give the rundown. Friday, Intermezzo fun, with LOTS of people. I just love how it snowballed (although I was a bit perturbed at the time). Its crazy when you invite people to come somewhere, and not only does everyone say they can come, but they have pals who want to come with them. So finally I was just laughing and like, fuck it, bring everyone! Two tables full of people and two hours later, we went to the A Capella competition. Cornell girl should have been arrested for butchering what used to be an ok Evanescence song. Rutgers won 1st Runner up, so thats hot.
Saturday was much fun with squeezing 12 people (rather comfortably) into my room for double feature movie nite. The Usual Suspects and Dogma were shown, and much fun was had by all. We must do it more often, and thanks to those who came and spruced up my Sat. nite ;) Monday, I went down to Trenton to Lobby for March of Dimes w. Jenn from RCGA. It totally rocked, as we got to see our new Governor Codey address the Senate for the first time, as well as chat up some legislators about the importance of MOD. I don't know if I'm cut out for lobbying though...ya gotta be able to sell an idea quickley to people who are busy and usually not extremely interested. And you have to beat out the lobbyists who are offering lots of financial backing (politically speaking). Not-for-profits don't have the means to do that, obviously.
In other news I've been a very blah person around here lately. Can't get out of my little rut, and situations around here aren't making it any easier. I chalk it up to a need to go home and see my chicas. I guess I'm ready to not be here anymore, and not just for a month like in winter break. I need a change, which is too bad I'm stuck here coz of Eagleton, now when I'm finally ready to study abroad, i can't. I'm a stupid crazy person. How will I ever surivive like this?

Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Its the Danger in the Dancing that makes it worth the while...

Well I've been in the weirdest mood lately. I'm stuck somewhere between content and annoyed, both of which are emotions that offer nothing to me. I'm quite uninterested in feeling this way at all. And to think that two weeks agao I was feeling quite exhilerated and happy. Stupid swings...

I'm at work at the moment, which in and of itself it quite boring, but it'll be over in a half hour so I can't complain. I'm quite glad that this week is moving quickly, as tomorrow will be Rutgers Club night, and I need my weekly fix of laughter and mirth, and much sooner than usual.

RCGA totally rocks my world. I've been to two meetings and a Legislative Affairs meeting and its just awesome. I should have joined it sooner. The people are great, the stuff we talk about really matters for Rutgers, and because of them I'll be lobbying in Trenton next Monday for March of Dimes, and get to meet some people, and do some things for a really great cause. I miss my community service stuff. I did so much of it in highschool and I just never got comfortable in RU til the end of last year. Stupid me, I should have tried harder anyway.

My Sister Alison has offered to pay for my sister and I to take the train from England to Paris this summer. I'm ecstatic about that because it just seems like the idea that we're going is getting more real. I'm really sick of just saying we're going to go somewhere or do something and we just don't. What a waste of life, you know?

K, I'm leaving in 6 minutes...time for Food, laundry, LOST and West homework I'm sure.


Wednesday, November 03, 2004

As you all know, John Kerry is not our new President, we're stuck with our shitty old one..which sucks. I was personally heartbroken, both yesterday when it was going poorly, and today when Kerry gave his concession speech. I finally broke down when Kerry was feels like its a bad thing to align yourself so closely to politics like I did. I was so drawn in, and I wanted him to win so badly that when he lost, it feels like all my motivation has been drained from me. School, fuck school. Bush is given reign for 4 more years, years which may prove even more deadly than the previous ones. I'm trying not to be so intense about it, but I can't not. This is the way i feel about politics..its deeply embedded in my system and its not going anywhere. Its quite painful to be on the losing side, i know this, but imagine how great it would have been if we had won. That woulda been a high I'd have been riding for a long time. That high was worth the risk to me. Gamble big, lose big I guess. See, this is probably one of the reasons why I'm a Mets Fan. When you lose, it sucks..but oh, when you is insanely great. Its worth all the losing.

Its going to take me a long while to get over thing election, maybe 4 months, maybe 4 years, who knows?
I'm looking forward to hopefully getting away from this country for a while. London with my girls in the summer, and maybe Peru in the late summer for school.

Everything up to the elction had been going great though, Halloween was a blast, we went to an awesome house party of Douglass..much dancing, music, fog machine, etc. I've made some new friends in the last few weeks from work and from RCGA and Cabaret. I love hanging out with people.

I just wish this week was over. I have a midterm tomorrow, but then I have Rutgers Clubbing.. Melissa and Emma Strike Back! Old School RC back together again...oh baby. Though sadly our lovely Viki will be leaving us, and we'll have to replace her with someone else, who will probably be less spunky and have less dredlocks. Oh dear.

Hopefully movie this weekend, and Intermezzo on Friday. SARAH MIGHT BE COMING! Yay, me gusta.
(Seriously anyone, I Heart Huckabees or Alfie?)

I'm starting to feel better...