Monday, September 27, 2004

Somewhere only we go

Hello all,
Well, looks like I'm following suit nicely by not updating this very much, just like my live journal. Go me. At the moment I'm at my job at Helpdesk, 10 minutes from freedom, booyeah. Sadly, a mountain, nay, a freakin Mt. Everest of work awaits me. I got A LOT of work done over the weekend, but I also slacked a bit. I saw both Wimbledon and Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow. Wimbledon was cute, Sky Captain was visually stunning, but the plotlines were kinda blah. I'm glad I got to see both of them, now I won't have to go see a movie for atleast another 2 weeks. Maybe I'll finally get some real work done...then again...

I really thought I actually had something of substance to say on here, besides acting like Mr. MovieFone. Blast!

Um, you guys rock... TTYL!

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