Saturday, March 03, 2007

and Daydreamed about how to make your life better by leaving town...

Happy March everybody. The 1st marked my 9 month anniversary with DC and I'm realizing that the honeymoon period with this city is just beginning. It's taken me a while but I am starting to feel an actual attachment to this city, daresay, becoming a Washingtonian or DCist as some call them. Worry not, I'll still always be a Jersey girl at heart, but I'm feeling quite enamored with this place, though I can't exactly place the reason. I guess it's a mixture of loving where I work, and the people I'm getting to know, the nightlife and the culture. Absolutely loving my neighborhood, the metro, and just the whole experience of living in a real city. I think the weather had a big influence on me this week, and something just clicked on and made me realize that I am actually happy here. It was 60 degrees the past few days, the sun is staying out longer, and it just makes DC (my part of it at least) seem even more splendid. I never thought I'd see the day where I just enjoy walking anywhere and everywhere, and this weather makes it even more appealing.
Don't get me wrong, I miss people at home, but my last trip back really made me realize that college is over, and it'll never be the same as to when I was there, so I might as well enjoy the memories and quit being so upset that it's over. Life's too short, equally annoying cliche..etc, et al.
I still have no idea about my future, my decisions change every other day. I love my office, but I want more responsibility. Part of me thinks I really need to get shaking on finding something new...another part of me thinks it's foolish to leave such a great work environment. I thought I'd search all my life and never find a place I actually want to go and work everyday, but I lucked out and hit it at the first go, so it wouldnt kill me to be patient and wait for the job I want to open up. I think I may need to go on to Plan B and try to do the campaign thing and worry about the Senator's office after the fact. For now, I'm going with the flow.
I've gotten so many nice visits this past month, first my sis and her bf, then Viki and Co, then Matt and Alison. I'm looking forward to summer with more free time, for my friends at least. The great weather makes it just perfect for touristy crap. So, ahem, friends who've yet to, COME VISIT. DC is amazing. Yeah, you should move here. Definitely.

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