Monday, October 03, 2005

Can't believe how strange it is to be anything at all...

Hello October,
and hello unloved blog. I've been so busy lately that I didnt even think to write in this thing. The eternal struggle between living life and writing about it. The former always wins. I've been working a lot on the campaign, and with a month to go I can't wait to see it end. I'm totally exhausted, but my bosses really don't get that Im a student as well as their bitch. 24 hours a week is really unmanageable. I'm getting to be really pathetic when the highlight of my week is getting to sleep til 9 on thursdays. Woot. Come on November 8th, dont keep me waiting.
Classes are ok, to be honest I hardly know whats happening in them. I'm keeping up, i think, i feel a little overwhelmed in my graduate course, just because I don't feel as smart as the rest of the people in it, and I'm not. They are pretty much all going for their 2nd or 3rd masters degrees, and im still undergrad. I need to read more closely I think...ive never thought so critically before and Im just not used to it.
Showgirls Movie Night was yesterday. It once again proves itself as being awesomely bad, as it was a big hit. You really just can't beat it.
The only think that has bothered me lately is my overwhelming feeling of nothing. Im not amazingly happy or terribly sad. I just am. And i don't much care for it. I have no one to crush on, which shouldnt seem like a big deal, but to have the thought of a person, even if its only a thought, makes me cheerful. To see them or think about seeing them or talk to them usually makes my day. And I don't have that at all right now. I should really be used to this by now. Not that I should be complaining at all. I have so many things that others don't have, but id really like to feel some sort of anything. Blah to me and my whining. Moving on..
Besides being so busy I can't breathe, I love being at school. I push all thoughts of leaving to the back of my mind. I don't know where I'm going after this, but I'm sure it's gonna be ok no matter what. I have faith in something, though its definition is not clear.

Keep it real, yo

btw- my counter got cleared..that sucks


Anonymous said...

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kalor the destructor said...

first of all, FUCK YOU, ROBOT. secondly, 134823478937482378923748 points to you for the neutral milk hotel lyric. oh god, they are so good. i am sorry i missed the showgirls party. chris's porn name would be "smokey beachwood" how fucking awesome is that?