Monday, September 27, 2004

Somewhere only we go

Hello all,
Well, looks like I'm following suit nicely by not updating this very much, just like my live journal. Go me. At the moment I'm at my job at Helpdesk, 10 minutes from freedom, booyeah. Sadly, a mountain, nay, a freakin Mt. Everest of work awaits me. I got A LOT of work done over the weekend, but I also slacked a bit. I saw both Wimbledon and Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow. Wimbledon was cute, Sky Captain was visually stunning, but the plotlines were kinda blah. I'm glad I got to see both of them, now I won't have to go see a movie for atleast another 2 weeks. Maybe I'll finally get some real work done...then again...

I really thought I actually had something of substance to say on here, besides acting like Mr. MovieFone. Blast!

Um, you guys rock... TTYL!

Monday, September 20, 2004

A time of innocence, a time of confidences.

I was at home over the weekend, really just Friday and Saturday. It's so cold in Vernon and the leaves are just starting to change. More than that, there is that very familiar Vernon Fall smell. I can't explain it, but it makes me think of Back To school stuff. I got all confused because it felt like I was still in highschool for like a minute. Makes me kinda sad because it makes you miss the people that you don't get to see as often, makes you miss people that you're no longer friends with.

But blah to that. Everything else has been going great. Classes rock, Washington DC was freakin awesome. I met a bunch of Senators and Congressmen, and decided that DC is it for me. Its where I want to be for either Law School or Grad School. I made a couple connections in Corzines office and I'm just so excited about maybe working on the Hill someday. We also had great dinner conversation at a very nice French restuarant. We talked for like 3 hours about anything political. It was respectful, and very heated at times, and philsophical at times, but really really great.

This week won't be as exciting, hopefully Mel and I will get to go see Sky Captain and/or Wimbledon. Too many movies, so little time.

If anyone knows how you can add picrtures to the profile on this thing, please leave a comment. Thanks! Later!

Sunday, September 19, 2004

For the first time...

Damn I've had this blog for about two months and I've done nothing with it. Actually, thats a lie, I've been fooling around with it, trying to figure out how to load a picture on it,
but no go. I'll figure it out one of these days. I decided to get a blog because a) I'm sick of my livejournal and b) its free and nothing is stopping me. woot.

I'm hoping that this blog will be a lot more upbeat than my livejournal which became like a temple of misery. It makes no sense to just write in the thing only when you're pissed off right?

All right, got to get back to the Sunday night homework that awaits.