Sunday, January 23, 2005

i love you when you dance...sooooo pure...

Been back at Rutgers for a week officially. Somehow it feels different. Just gotta get back into my swing of things I get. Classes are ok, my Civil Rights prof is the King of the Dicks..Eagleton is all right, a little boring. No classes on Fridays definitely rocks my socks, my weekend starts on Thursdays at 2:30 in the afternoon. Not too shabby.

Leaving home was harder than I thought. It got easier when on sunday, about 40 minutes after i got into my room, Megs calls me and says she and her sister are near Livingston campus, and her sis, who is a RU alum, wants to go to Thomas Sweets. SO they came and picked me up and I got to spend a few hours with one of my best girls, and it further helped my transition back here, i'm not sure why i'm having such a problem with it. Its my own damn fault. I gotta stop pulling away.

We had Rutgers Club on Thursday, which was nice to see everyone and laugh for an hour.
I miss Viki, and Koppleman couldn't make an appearance, but next time..or we'll kill him with sticks. Later Mel, Matt, Sara and I went to see In Good Company which was Oh-Kay, but i'd wait to rent it if i were you. I gotta go see Sideways, the Aviator, and whatever else is an Oscar contender. Gotta get ready for film season.

Also, FYI, my b-day is coming up veeeery soon, and I'm planning my Midnight bowling party in the near future. Its likely that if you can read this, and you're in the Rutgers area, you'll be invited, but I'll be sending out evites once I have a solid guest list.

Anyway, its snowing like a mofo outside and I love it. My Helpdesk training got cancelled for tomorrow, booya. Time for reading and sleep and Sunday full of studying.

Later loves..

Saturday, January 08, 2005

Zig a zig ah!

Heya kids,
Long time, no nothing! Thats what happens when I have dial up...oh well. Lets rewind it for ya.. Christmas was great, I got my mini iPod, yeah my sis rocks. I've been spending the majority of my break working at the deli (yay money) and hanging out with my bestest friends. I got invited to two New Years Eve parties but decided that spending the nite with Dana, Sassy, Cat and Megs was where I wanted to be. It was a good choice, we watched a Spice Girls tape that sassy got me for x-mas, and good times much so that we hardly noticed the year change. I don't know how all 5 of us just have so much chemistry between us. We were trying to analyze it about a week ago at the diner, but just couldn't get down to it. Its been said by others that it seems we just all speak the same language and we don't disagree. We can be entangled in 2 or 3 different conversations and be totally aware of what everyone is talking about and interject without losing any flow in the conversations. Its hard to explain, ya just kinda have to witness it.
SO needless to say, I'm not ready to go back to school yet..and its a week from this Sunday. Dana's is off to D.C. a week from today, and we're all in a mad dash to get our paperwork in order for our Passports so we can go to London in June. Travel plans = crazy. I'm just not ready for school yet. Ash and Kate and Viki will be gone, which doesn't help, coz I'm really gonna miss them. I'm just so reattached to home. It seems everytime I'm home and hang with my girls, increasingly, I just don't want to leave. Maybe I wouldn't treasure it so much if I go to see them everyday..I loved it in High school, I don't think I was ever truly bored of them, ever. And I get bored easily! Especially with people..they just aren't boring. We're going into our almost 9th year of friendship, and we can still make each other laugh hysterically. It just gets harder every time I leave them. blech, I don't wanna think about it.
When I'm at school, I'm happy, I get used to it. I hate that I do this to myself, coz I know I love school..i just forget easily.

I'm looking forward to Eagleton, to my 21st B-day (Bowling Party baby!) And not waking up til very late. Thank you late classes! See ya soon if I haven't already.

(i am a lucky person)