Monday, December 20, 2004

I don't know when I'll be back again...

So, its an hour until I leave lovely Rutgers for my holiday break. I AM DONE! Done with Finals, Papers, Class, everything! *does a dance. I'm still packing, but that will be done soon as well. Sassy and Dana are on their way to get me. *sigh* me love them.

I had a crazy ass weekend. Holiday Party at Easton was very fun, sadly I was sick so I really wasn't in the mood to participate as much as I would have, but it was fun watching the gingerbread houses being built. Ohh and I got books Jon Stewart's America, which i will promptly read. THANKS ASH! and Mo Rocca Book from Em and A Bush Survival Guide from Kate. You all rock. From the party I went in to the cit-ay and hung out at Keats (my Uncles restaurant) with Sassy, Cat, Megs, Mike and Dana. It was kareoke nite, and we got up there and all sang Spice Up Your Life by the Spice Girls ( I was Baby Spice, and I know, I'm not blond, but none of us are). We were very popular. I can't wait to do that again.

Well what else can I say? This sesmester was awesome, especially getting to know some new people, and gettng better aquainted with those I already knew. Just a few shoutouts:

Card-carrying Rutgers yeah!
Intermezzo- stolen rice crispy treat snow men, stolen cider, stolen pie
Halloween at that very awesome basement party
Philip Seymour Hofman (love ya Em)
That 1 awesome movie
too many parties to count

And to the people that won't be here:
I Love you, ASHLEY, VIKI, AND KATE! Bring me back a cute Austrailian/Hungarian/British Dude!

Gotta run..see you all very soon~

Monday, December 13, 2004

There is just one thing I need...

So, I'm not a bad updater. I DID update last week..and blogger killed it. It took me so long to write and I was so mad that I decided not to update at all. Yeah I give up easily. SInce that time I've gone to the movies three times. Here are my reviews:
Finding Neverland- See It.
Ocean's 12- Skip it
Closer- ehhh, See it, its confusing yet good in some ways..The acting is superb.

Now that that's out of the way" I've been great lately. Very busy with just life in general. RCGA meeting lasted almost 3 hours on Tuesday, but the end of the semester party was a blast. *sniff* Last Rutgers Club was on Thursday, and Mel got the great idea to make Rutgers Club Membership cards that everyone signed and got lamenated as a little goodbye gift to Viki and a cute trinket for the rest of us.
And also, Viki wants to be my roomie for next year! Viki=Awesome and I'm really jealous of Hungary since they get to keep her for the next 9 months..blah!

Our last Intermezzo was awesome as well, only a small group of about 9 of us (instead of 15) eating good food, stolen rce crispy treat snowmen, and a really cute picture of all of us with Santa. Got to see "6 Characters" which was very well done, and Saturday I got to go do some more X-Mas shopping avec Matthew. Mel and Ash (who is also leaving soon, Lucky Australia...) Well I have two papers and a final left, not much I know, but enough to keep me on my toes. I'm really happy to be going back home, I miss my peeps, but it sucks to be leaving knowing that I'm gonna be missing so many people when we get back..

See ya later..and leave comments, I know you read this thing!