Tuesday, September 12, 2006

The years go on and we're still fighting it

Ben Fold's voice makes me think of college, no matter what he's singing. His voice IS college. Like nat king cole makes me think of Christmas. So congrats Ben Folds, you will forever make me nostalgic. Moving on...

I've been moved into my new place for a little over a week. Yeah, the moving process was a lot of fun..probably the dumbest idea in history: literally walking about a mile (each way) with one box at a time over the course of a week and a half. Then on friday, my official moving day, I made three trips in the rain. Yeah, it was totally worth saving $50 not to rent a car. NOT. On the plus side, I did get to do a whole lot of walking. not really a huge plus.
Gripes aside, I really love my new place, but pretty much anything is better when compared to the old one. I'm getting chummier with the roomies, but it's only been a week, so we're still sort of like awkard strangers. I'm getting along swimmingly with the dog and cat though, so no complaints there.
Work is great, can't believe I've been there a month. The time just rolls on by. I'm excited because I'm going to start working on a few issues soon, probably starting with Education, my forte. Hopefully I'll be helping the education LC with letters and research to kind of break up the monotony of my job. I don't mind the specific tasks that I'm responsible for, its just that I've gotten used to them very quickly, and I seem to have a lot of free time, so I'd rather pitch in than just wait for my work day to end. Plus, it's good experience.
This past week was a little tough for me just because of the fact that last week was the 1st, first day of classes that I haven't attended since kidnergarten. I try not to miss rutgers, but it's sort of something I'm unable to control. I need more DC friends..i'm working on that. I can't complain, i've got a great job and house...and a brand new subscription to NetFlix, which will be useful if that whole new friends deal doesn't work out.
I'll be back at Rutgers this weekend, which happens to be Homecoming, a coincidence since my reason for coming up is to go to my Aunt's surprise party at Keats. I haven't gotten a chance to see Ash, and there will be two, YES TWO parties while I am around, which makes it all the more worthwhile. Plus, MEL is gonna be there. no fooling.

Dinner tomorrow at Hard Rock with some new people (I've never been to a Hard Rock Cafe before, though I have seen the tshirts many times) then thursday evening I'll be on a nice long train ride back to Jersey.

Nothing more to report, hit me up if you're gonna be around the Brunz this weekend.

love ya,

ps- if you're a face book stalker check this blog out at it's actual page here because it's prettier.