Saturday, May 13, 2006

Places in a memory hold on to me. and I can't wait...

My life has changed dramatically since I last posted. My small depression about RCGA has passed, mostly because much bigger things have erupted that make that loss seem like nothing.

Passing the Gavel came and went, it was probably the best party of my college career. I had a great time. End of classes was a blur mostly because i wasn't worried about class and finals so much as I was about my future. My trip to D.C. was great, and made me realize further that I wanted to be there and work in a Congressional Office. Now getting that job is a whole different story. However, its a dream that I'm not willing to settle about. I don't want to defer it either. The day right after DC was the rally in Trenton. They commented about my sign in the Star Ledger. It was fantastic. It was my last stand as a Rutgers student and I was so amazingly proud.

Moving on. I have been applying to various jobs in both Jersey and DC. I heard back from one, and did interviews from 3 others which I will hear back from shortly. I was all over the place about where I was gonna be til I finally bit the bullet. I'm moving to D.C. I have an address and everything. My friend Dave and I found a place 2 blocks from Union Station and starting June 2nd, I will be a D.C. resident. It's probably the most spontaneous thing I've ever done in my life but as I said to my sister, I'm 22, I'm pretty sure this is the time you're supposed to do stuff like this. I'm freaked about it but I'm sure I'll be able to handle it after some initial panic/disorientation. I've handled worse (see last summer) and I have some support in D.C., at least for a while.

It's officially Senior Week (has been for a couple days), and everything seems to have come full circle. Senior Week reminds me of Orientation on Livingston 4 years ago. This is more of a Dis-orientation. Here are the similarities:
We're put into small, smelly rooms with our stuff all disorganized and disassembled.
We stay at the above mainly to sleep.
We hardly eat anything of nutritional value
We stay out way too late and our days are without structure, something we find fascinating
It's warm out
Everyone is friendly
that times some fun activities plus a lot of alcohol equals senior week.

Today was Medieval Times with the gang, which was a lot of fun. Eating with hands plus violence. Hot damn. Tonight is a trip to the city with a bunch o' people. Monday is Great Adventure.

Then a blur of activity culminating in the Big Day: Thursday. Grad Day.

Gonna keep myself busy so I stop thinking about it.
i feel lucky that i have so many things to miss. Some people somewhere don't have that.

love, rachel