Friday, March 17, 2006

I am a visitor here. I am not permanent...

Greeting from sunny Cancun
Too bad Cancun looks a lot like Vernon, NJ. Go figure. Finally updating after weeks of ignoring it. More than a month ago it was my 22nd bday, followed by my birthday party at Stuff Yer Face. It was the most amazing party ever. So many people came out, pictures to be up on facebook soon. I had so much fun hanging with friends, sharing a fishbowl with eric, kamikaze shot courtesy of rob. I was tipsy but not drunk, which is good because i was able to remember what wan undoubtedly one of the best nights of my life thus far. I felt so unbelievably lucky to be surrounded by so many great people. You are all awesome
Since my last post, i've become less clear about future plans. LSAT scores blew, but I've still applied to Rutgers Newark. Fingers crossed. I learned a lot about getting a job in DC. I've toyed with going to China to teach english for half a year. I'm not closer to knowing what I want to do and inching closer and closer to May 19th. I know things will work themselves out, I just wish I could be more secure in my future.
Other than that bullcrap, great stuff has happened. I got elected to go to D.C> and talk with Congress members about financial aid. I'm amazingly thrilled with it, half because of the experience, but mostly because I want to be able to tell these people that they can't keep cutting aid and expecting students to pick up the tab. Congress is my own personal complaint department . Sort of.
Since I've been home for break, not much has happened. I avoided work like it was my J-O-B, hung out a little with Dana and Sarah. got to hang with Missy, Rach and Britt. Much awesomeness. I didn't get to work much at all, a surprise to me since I needed the money, but I did enjoy the time to sit and do nothing. I watched Matlock. I'm sad.
The break has been exhilarating, but I'm ready to get back in two days. I miss my friends, and I'm ready for this home stretch. I can't wait for it to be warm out, and getting to walk around without a jacket. I like looking forward to things.

til next time