Saturday, June 11, 2005

Where is my mind?

‘Sup kids
I haven’t been that keen on updating lately, not coz nothing has been happening, but mostly because I don’t like dealing with the dial-up. The last month has been a bit disappointing; no car, no new job, and didnt get the thing for Teach for America after working my butt off for it, which really kinda brought me down, but c’est la vie. Work at the deli has been fantastic, except that getting to work has become absolute hell since my sister moved to her different office. It’s been a bitch.
On the bright side, I’ve gotten over that stuff for the most part, and have been able to spend lots of time with my girls. I went to Great Adventure w/ Meg and Cat yesterday, where I nearly died riding Nitro, and where most the time was spent waiting on lines, but it was fun nonetheless, especially the car ride. Nothing beats singing 90s pop at the top of your lungs. The cars that passed us on the parkway totally laughed at us, but it was worth it.
I got Coldplays new album this week, but no tickets :( It’s like a vast conspiracy that I cant get tix to any shows in the tri-state area without selling my kidney. Not cool. The album is pretty good though, not as good at Rush of Blood, but buy it anyway. Also, I figured out how to get my songs from my iPod onto my home computer w/out losing them, so I guess I get the geek of the week award or something.
News for the near future...Going to Annie Mae’s wedding w/ Megs as my date, and Sassy is going w/ Cat so the four of us + open bar * dancing = mightily fun. I’m really looking forward to the whole sha-bang
News for the not-so-near future, I’ll probably be moving into school around the 25th of August, a whole week before classes start, and I’ll get to beat the crowds, which will be excellent.

I don't exactly miss school, and I get nervous when i think of going back, coz i have no idea what i want to do after next year, and again, all these family and friends think they know, but i should just stick with myself, and i what i feel..its never really led me wrong before. and hey, its my life, and i have to live it all by myself.

Anyway, work tomorrow. Whomever is reading this, you should comment. Odds are that I miss you.
