Friday, February 18, 2005

These changes, ain't changing me...

Hola mis amigos!
Yeah, wasting time at work again...thats what they pay me for. I had a wonderful birthday week (one day is for suckers), turning 21sober basically isn't bad. It's nice to actually remember your birthday, instead of spending it in a drunken stupor (for some people). On Friday I went into the cit-ay and hung out w/ Sassy, Mike and Dana (who shleped all the way to NYC for our bday!) Saturday we had our kareoke nite at Keats w/ Cat and Megs in tow, and after some really unnecessary b-day drama (you can't argue with a drunk person, just a warning) everything went back to normal and we got to sing Spice Girls Wannabe, though the crowd sucked. I got a drunk guy to buy me a drink, which i really didn't drink much of, then spent the rest of the night sucking down water coz my throat hurt..grrr. After we left the bar around 2:30 Am, we went to a 24 hours diner and some drunk guy threw toast at us..lovely. and we had cake that the lovely dana made at the apartment. All in all, it was a pretty nice b-day.

On my actual b-day I got a lot of little nice suprises, so here are my little thank you shout outs:
For the lovely b-day messages from Facebook/AOL and other places: Emma, Matt, Rob, Alli, Erin, Annie Mae, Michelle, Dana, Cat, Kala, Joey Picc, Jackie, Cherlyn, Maggie, Ronit, Alana, Jenn, Rajan, Kate and Caro

Special shout out to Kate for sending me a card OVERSEAS! too bad the post office stole my hot british guy.
Love to Mel for the Flowers :)
Maverick for the candy
Steinhart, Em, Koppelman, Kostas, Jill, Ben, and Cyriaque for making me turn red at Rutgers Club (birthday song and hentai porn, what?!?!)
Elyse for calling and singing (hearts)
and late nite b-day run to crappy jersey diner w/ matt, rob, mel, greg and sarah.
If i forgot you, tell me, coz i'm an ass.

I got a good lottery number for general housing (coz i'm a cheater) and so did Liz and Jamie, and Kostas and Ben, so hopefully we'll all be living near each other (either in Wessels or Leupp).

In other news; REEL Big Fish totally rock. If you saw the show, you know it...
tonite is Intermezzo, where I hope I'll be able to use the rest of my camera film, then going to see Quilt and maybe *cast party* say what?!?!

Oh, and everyone should come and see Quilt at the Cabaret Theatre (this Fri Sat Sun, and next Fri, Sat and Sun) because the Lovely Kala, Elyse, and Gregory are in it, and they are wonderful.

Work ends in 40 minutes...i should probably actually do work, or some shiz like that. Later!

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

While everyone's lost, the battle is won. With all these things that I've done...

Hello you wonderful people you.
I am no queen of the updaters, but update, i shall. I'm at work at the helpdesk at the moment, it is miserably slow, but it is great coz now i have time to do this thing. Other highlight of the day: I've been pretty pissed about the fact that i had to spend so much money on books and I've really hacked into my savings, but then I go to pick up my pay check, realize I forgot to pick up 3 of them, and ended up that I have almost $300 in checks. BOO freaking YEAH! Having a part time job that isn't hard = awesome. Checks = awesome as well.

So I've been a busy little bee lately. I was in NYC over the weekend dog sitting for my sis with Mel. We got to go to Keats and hang out with the puppy and see RENT (me for the 5th time) for only 20 bucks. Sitting in the second row was scary, but Colin Hanlon (playing Roger) was hot and now Mel and I are gonna stalk him. hot diggity.

What else...well I was down in the dumps for the last few days, I had an exam and a paper this week and was relatively stressed. Then I have some friend drama that I really can't figure out no matter how much I try and analyze the situation. All the while I am turning 21 on Monday. yikes, I don't have time for a birthday.

This weekend I am going into the cit-ay AGAIN to meet up w/ Cat, Dana, Megs, Sassy, Mike and Brian to party hearty at Keats (fo' free) and probably sing more Spice Girls. I'm glad I'm not sick, coz that sucked last time. I'm trying to plan a party for school, but, its going ehhh. Bowling is outta the picture since I can't reserve lanes. So, I'm trying to reserve the pool at CAC coz they can show movies like Jaws, and we can play volleyball in the pool and schtuff like that. Plus then I can invite people unlimited. Blah, I will find something to do.

My dahling friend Cat is coming to visit tomorrow to see the REEL Big Fish show at LSC, so thats hot. Next week is gonna be cake next to the week after it where it seems that i'm gonna have 1 exam and 2 papers due. Damn, I better get crackin''too bad i've been Lazy McLazyson the last two weeks. somebody slap me.

Hey this thing broke 300. i can see you. Leave comments!